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Confused with Tinyumbrella

BTW, that is not Photoshop Elements in my superbar. That is a full-fledged Photoshop CS5. :)

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
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You can only save shsh for your current software. If apple still has the window open. The 4.3 window closed long ago.
KaiHD said:
I don't have beta but TU was fine with getting me the blob 5.0b1. What up with that?

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Hmm... That's weird. I had the beta and saved shsh while I had it but downgraded back to 4.3.3 so I know how I got it.

I am going to bed. It is 2 am here and I am tired. I will deal with y'all tomorrow. :D
kenz0 said:
I do have my current settings like that and it won't save the blobs for me. I'm getting frustrated

Like Grayson said, it will only saved current firmware and beta versions- which is 4.3.3 and 5.0b1. 5.0b2 isn't there because SHSH blobs are dead in b2.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
kenz0 said:
So I can't save 4.3.3 if I'm on 4.3?

It should be possible, IMO. Try and see what happens. Don't worry, you won't be upgraded. Make sure you close iTunes when you plug In your iPad to use TU.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
Crazyjackson said:
Mine won't even recognize my iPad as a connected device :|

Try the following:
replug the iPad in different USB ports.
If you plugged in using USB hub, don't. Try plugging directly.
Restart your iPad. Hold the lock button until the screen darken and the power off slider appears, slide it to turn off the iPad.
Restart your PC.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
graywolf said:
You can only save shsh for your current software.

Wolfie we have been over this several times. This is bad and incorrect information :(

FAQ Q11. I don't have IOS version x.y.z installed on my iPad, so I can't get SHSH for it, right?

NO! - You can quite happily request and receive blobs for 4.3.3 even if you are back on 3.2.2 provided Apple is signing 4.3.3 today. What you cannot do is request blobs for 3.2.2 today from Apple as the window for that version is well and truly closed. But, iPad1 owners now have the added bonus with iFaith that they can also extract the blobs for their current firmware, even if Apple has stopped signing that version!

Whilst you got away with it this time, advising a member that they have to update their iPad2 to 4.3.3 to get SHSH Blobs for 4.3.3 could end badly for them if they are expecting or wanting to have the ability to remain at a previous version.

Read the FAQ again, and ask questions if you don't understand something, but please be very careful about giving people potentially harmful advice if you are not sure about a subject. The easiest thing to do is point members to a resource if it exists on the site... e.g The FAQ! ;)
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A quick query for to all the experts!

I have saved my SHSH of iPad1 , 4.3.3 (3g) which is currently jailbroken.

1. If i enable the option in TU ->advanced-> request shsh from cydia , it saves it with file size 4810 bytes

2. For the same iPad by unchecking this checkbox of request shsh from cydia, it saves it with file size 4805 bytes.

(yes, i did try it a couple of times and saved it in different directories) , each time with the same result.
Any one can explain why so ?!

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