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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!

As I had so many apps open, I thought it would be quicker to just turn my ipad2 off. Unfortunately that did not close the apps. They were still open when I restarted it. Strange?
TallahasseeLassie said:
As I had so many apps open, I thought it would be quicker to just turn my ipad2 off. Unfortunately that did not close the apps. They were still open when I restarted it. Strange?

No. That's just the way iOS works. The multitask bar is supposed to be a quick way of accessing recently used apps.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
clermont said:
How do I find out the iOS of mine

Check these images out to find your version of iOS......



The Archangel
clermont said:
Is there a way to upgrading it

Of course.....make sure you have the latest iTunes available on your PC and do a complete backup of your iPad first. It's also a good idea to disable your virus protection/firewall for the duration of the update. This update will be a very large one and will take quite a bit of time and is all dependent on what you have on your iPad.
When it's all finished you will be updated to OS 5.1.1

I'll include a visual link below to guide you through it.

iPad 2 3G 64gb
External Keyboard Layout Tip {;–)

i have ipad2, not sure if a model available for the iPad, i got a BT keyboard of Ebay (acts as a cover for the srreen when closed), i now have numbers along the topand far more pace on the screen :)

- but can't find the ruddy UK Pound key on it :(

hey ho lol!

Hey !

You actually might wanna try on your external keyboard the following:

Alt/Option + 3​

This works for me, my keyboard coding is: US International - PC

As long as it's set as US International - PC, this should lead to that.

I have a Targus branded Case&Keyboard, and here's what each row looks like, in normal, then w/shift, then w/Alt-Option:

` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _
` ¡ ™ £ ¢ ∞ § ¶ • ª º –

q w e r t y u i o p = \
Q W E R T Y U I O P + |
œ ∑ ´ ® † Â¥ ¨ ^ ø π ≠ «

a s d f g h j k l '
A S D F G H J K L "
Ã¥ ß ∂ ƒ © ˙ ∆ ˚ ¬ æ

z x c v b n m , .
Z X C V B N M < >
Ω ≈ ç √ ∫ ~ µ ≤ ≥

Again, please note that this is true only IF your keyboard layout is set to US International - PC, which you can configure in goto://Settings>General>Keyboards>InternationalKeyboards>Select-your-keyboard>Choose-your-layout.edu :rolleyes:

I have no clue about British International, might fit you better as well, give it a try :)

Hope this helps,

TallahasseeLassie said:
Thanks. I'd better get on it then!

Six days and twelve Hot Pockets later....her apps are still jigglin'...

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF
Tips and trick

Hii thanks to all of u for sharing Tips and Tricks.
I have tried some tips, there is some tips that awesome i have never read and heard about it ever.

thanks again and keep uploading.
Tips and Tricks - Just for Fun - Change the Behavior of the Display of Ipad3

If you run Itune in your PC, choose your device and select "configure universal access" option in the summary menu, you can change your Ipad to display "white on black". This will change the color of everything shown on screen by the device including movies. It's like turning Sepia tone.

I can't find in the device itself on how to do this.
If you run Itune in your PC, choose your device and select "configure universal access" option in the summary menu, you can change your Ipad to display "white on black". This will change the color of everything shown on screen by the device including movies. It's like turning Sepia tone.

I can't find in the device itself on how to do this.

On iPad, Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple-click Home

You can set that so that if you triple-click your Home button, you can turn on reverse screen (white on black).

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