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To Sync or not Sync


iPF Noob
I have and IPAD 2 with the latest version of SW on it. And I have some items. Books on the IPAD that when I sync to my IMAC I do not wan them to sync. I only want to keep them on my IPAD. Because I have many ipods that also sync to this same IMAC.

How do I selectively Sync to my IMAC only the items that I want to sync? I went to delete some of the items off of the IMAC and it warned me that they would be removed from my IPAD also. This is not good.

I should be able to choose what goes where shouldn't I?


Instead of trying to keep the books off the Mac, change the sync settings for the iPods. You can either turn off book syncing altogether, or chose to only sync selected books.

Also check the Store settings on the iPods to make sure you are not automatically downloading new books.

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