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To take or not to take? That is MY question

I was being a little bit sarcastic......

Everything of value is defenceless, so if you do not want to loose it, better leave it at home. It has been a long time since i was at school, but i was under the impression that today it was almost standard to bring even laptops to school. Or is this only in college.

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That's okay, I took it in the spirit you said it but school hasn't changed that much though. I see the odd student with a laptop but I'm assuming its seen more at private schools, only guessing though. I'm hoping to see more iPads though.
My girls go to private primary and get a lot of assignments, for which they need the computer. Till now still at home, but i guess it will not be long until they have to bring a laptop. Or of course an ipad. They have been eyeing mine since i got it, but it is a hands off for them.

Coming back to the subject i still believe that it is a personal issue. If yiu bring it there is a change of loosing it. If you leave it ungarded for a few secs that's all it takes. I bring mine to work, but i have an office, so that is a different situation.

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As a primary school worker in the States I know that if a student brought a personal iPad to the school we'd have serious trouble. As much as I'd like to see students bringing their smartphones and personal electronics for support (homework calendar reminders :p) even as low as the 3rd grade we have backpack pilfering. And they lie, with no shame and even a touch of righteous. I hear then middle(secondary) schools have it worse.

On then other hand the iPad is quite a deal larger and more obvious. I ordered my personal iPad laser engraved just for that reason as well. A distinctive engraving makes identification a bit easier.

I'd go look up some of the "find my iThing" stories out there and keep them handy to regale the tempted. You can even "demonstrate" the remote ring to prove the point if need be.

Do not forget to passcode your machine and use the more robust passcode option. It's a pain but adds just that extra level of annoyance for a thief.

In terms of carry cases there was an iPad one case that was more like a messenger bag with an area for the iPads screen to be exposed. I've considered getting one like that for my iPad 2 as I'm on the go frequently and having is slung like Spock's Tricorder from Star Trek would keep it on my person quite handily.

It is a pity, but in many places, if you have something shiny and nice, there will be those who will take an opportunity to steal it. If you take the proper precaustions, you will have less problems, but it is hard to maintain a high level of security all the time. That is what sneak thieves thrive on.

If it will help you in your classes, assess the risks, minimize them, and go for it. If you want to show it off, make it for short periods, and keep it locked up at other times.
If Wales is really as technologically backwards as he makes it out to be, you people are missing out on the true usefulness of a 15 year old boy owning an iPad - to talk a pretty girl into coming over to his place to study with him/it!
If Wales is really as technologically backwards as he makes it out to be, you people are missing out on the true usefulness of a 15 year old boy owning an iPad - to talk a pretty girl into coming over to his place to study with him/it!

Aww! Hopeless romantic to the end!
My advice is not to take the iPad to school, it will inevitably get stolen or damaged. Im not sure what its like anymore (its been a while since i was at school) but your bags never with you all the time, you have to put it down or in the corridor, Wait till your at college that way you can keep it with you at all times minimising risk.

Just my 2 cents lol

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Well my view on things is simple take your iPad every where that's the idea of a mobile tablet, just enjoy what and use what you have at your finger tips

If you worry about theft or damage you should have brought a old fashioned desktop

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