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Today Is Christmas - Promised downloading 10 App


iPF Noob
So Lets get some free gifts, every one.
I just promised my self to download 10 good applications ( preferably free - It should be a gift , no ?)

We need help Apple Store to setup a record of 20 Million downloads on Christmas ( Every one opening the new iPAD gift and run to the store...)

I already downloaded 3
1. Pulse
2. AppShopper
3. DropBox

I already have:
Adobe Idea --- PS Express --- NASA --- CNN --- ABC --- fwix --- Flipboard
TED --- WP --- Google --- USA Today --- Shazam --- Waze ---VLC ---

And some more
I have loads so far. 12 Days of Christmas (Everyone grab it, you get free stuff basically), The Sun, Project, Skype, imo.im (Heavy MSN user), Spotify, Sky+, Penultimate(Well designed Notebook app), Marvel Comics, Fallout New Vegas Comic Preview, Adobe Ideas, Shazam, Flight Control, BBC News, Bloomberg, Angry Birds, SimCity Deluxe, Mirror's Edge, C&C: Red Alert, Touch Hockey, Atomic Lite (Gonna buy the full version soon I think), Wikipanion, Dictionary.com, Zombieville, Hootsuite and Flipboard. Love my iPad.

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