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Torrents on the iPad 2

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OPlayer can play .avi files.

As to your other question, of how to download movies illegally, that question will not be answered on this forum.

Really? I'll answer him right now how he can download an .avi file. And on this forum no less.

The iPad does not have a torrent client that works for it, at least that I could find. The best way to accomplish this task, and believe me, Apple makes it a PITA for you, is to get a browser like iCabMobile, sign up for dropbox, buy Air Video and have a computer that is running. OK, now that you did all of that, here is the workflow of downloading a torrent.

Install Air video and set it up with the folder your torrent client is going to be downloading into. Sign up for and install dropbox on your machine. Go into your torrent client (I use uTorrent) and set it to "Automatically load torrents from" whatever your dropbox folder is with \iCab Mobile added at the end. Mine looks like:

"C:\Users\(whatever your username is)\Documents\My Dropbox\iCab Mobile"

Now that you have all that set up, on your ipad open up iCab Mobile and go to whatever torrent site it is that you are using. Download the torrent. Go to your downloads within iCab Mobile and select the torrent file and then select "Upload to Dropbox".

Essentially, what this is doing is downloading the .torrent file to your ipad, then uploading it into a folder on your computer that utorrent or whatever client you are using is watching for .torrent files. Then the client on your computer will start the torrent and it will download into the folder that Air video is watching. When its finished, you can use Air Video to play the movie back to your iPad.

Yea, I know, its ridiculously complex and annoying. Thats Apple for ya.
Thphilli said:
Really? I'll answer him right now how he can download an .avi file. And on this forum no less.

Your response made me realize, that I should have phrased my last post in a less general form. I am not willing to post instructions of how to torrent movies onto the iPad, unless someone convinces me, that there is a legal website distributing commercial videos via torrent.

As to what other users post, is it up the them what write in their comments. All users on this forum stand on the same level, as long as their posts do not conflict with the forum policies.

If my previous post offended you, than I would like to apologize for that, as it was not my intention.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Your response made me realize, that I should have phrased my last post in a less general form. I am not willing to post instructions of how to torrent movies onto the iPad, unless someone convinces me, that there is a legal website distributing commercial videos via torrent.

As to what other users post, is it up the them what write in their comments. All users on this forum stand on the same level, as long as their posts do not conflict with the forum policies.

If my previous post offended you, than I would like to apologize for that, as it was not my intention.

Just a note

Paramount is going to release a straight to DVD movie that can be legally obtained via bit torrent

There are actually many legal uses for bit torrent. It is just a crowd client that uses resources from all users to enable faster speeds than would be available for a distributer....also the more people that download the faster speeds get instead of slower.

Many linux distros use bit torrent and some other software developers. I have seen legal movies distributed by the creator use bit torrent since it is a very inexpensive way to distribute your product on a mass scale without ridiculous bandwidth costs....honestly the only reason it hasn't become mainstream is because with it as a distribution model it makes traditional distribution obsolete.
BitTorrent does have many uses, I have just never seen it as a legal distribution method for movies, which is what OP was asking about. However, I spent some time researching and came a few sites offering movies under the Common creative license, or from the Public Domain via torrent.

So todays lesson for me is, that a discussion on how to download torrents is acceptable, as long as it is not explicitly mentioned that the content is downloaded illegally.
So todays lesson for me is, that a discussion on how to download torrents is acceptable, as long as it is not explicitly mentioned that the content is downloaded illegally.

Well, it probably just wasn't explicitly stated because anyone inquiring about torrents most likely is already aware of that fact.

Anyway, to answer the question, I would also recommend VLC.
Gone for a few months and THIS is what I come back to?

Oh bollocks..

anyways, like others have said there is no way to DL torrents to the iPad, but you can use various players to play .avi files
There are actually many legal uses for bit torrent. It is just a crowd client that uses resources from all users to enable faster speeds than would be available for a distributer....also the more people that download the faster speeds get instead of slower.

Many linux distros use bit torrent and some other software developers. I have seen legal movies distributed by the creator use bit torrent since it is a very inexpensive way to distribute your product on a mass scale without ridiculous bandwidth costs....honestly the only reason it hasn't become mainstream is because with it as a distribution model it makes traditional distribution obsolete.

That and the abuse of pirates downloading massive amounts of copyrighted (and illegal) files using torrents.
Another way to do it would be to download videos you want to view into a specific directory on the computer, then use AirVideo to stream either over Wifi or 3G.
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