And in case you had trouble finding it, this is a link to the stanza desktop download
Here is one way to transfer books from the desktop stanza to your iPad stanza....
Launch Stanza Desktop.
Go to File->Open, and open a book or document in one of Stanza's supported formats. Note: The text of eReader books will not be displayed, but you can still use this interface to share books with Stanza iPhone.
Go to the "Tools" menu, and ensure that the "Enable Sharing" menu item is checked.
Ensure that your iPhone is connected to the same wireless network that your PC is on.
Launch Stanza on your iPhone.
From the top-level library menu, select "Shared Books". You should see your computer name. Select it.
Stanza Desktop will then notify you that your iPhone is attempting to connect to your shared library, and request your permission to allow the connection.
Once you have granted permission, Stanza iPhone will display a list of books that are open in Stanza Desktop.
Tap on the book to download it Stanza on your iPhone. It will appear in Titles and Recent Downloads.