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Transfer My Documents folder from PC to iPad

Hey guys,

I use a PC and have just got myself an iPad - is it possible to transfer all the documents (word, powerpoint, pdf, excel etc) in the My Documents folder from the PC to the iPad? Preferably also maintaining the subfolder structures?

Thanks a bunch for any help.


Hi, I use a small application called "Drop Copy" , installed on all my devices, this allows transfer of documents, videos, music,pictures,pdf's,spreadsheets etc between all these devices. Select a file from the PC and send it to an iPad/iPod/iPhone, in both directions. Keep in mind you will need the appropriate applications to view those files to be also installed on the iPad/iPhone/iPod.
Look it up on the website, it is quick and free or pay once for the Pro version to add some extra features.
There are four basic ways to transfer files from PC or Mac to iPad for offline viewing each with their plus and minus

1) Apple iTunes Sync - Slow, clunky and limiting
2) Going Cloud route - First transfer files from your computer to a cloud drive like Dropbox and then onto your iPad. Again a round about way which does expose you to some security risks.
3) RDP type Remote Access programs like GotoMyPC but these run your software on your computer and don't do that well on iPad since they were designed for PC to PC
4) There are new products like Documents.Me wherein you have an agent on your computer that only gets the files on the directory you choose on your iPad. The only limitation is that your computer has to be on when you want to transfer files.

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