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Transfering Multiple photo albums


iPF Noob
On my PC I have a folder called iPad photos with several different photo sub folders. I can transfer 1 of the sub folders ok, using iTunes, but if transfer the next one it wipes off the first one I transferred. How can I get around this?
You place all the folders you want to sync in one master folder (only one level deep) and sync the master folder. Each subfolder will sync as an album with the same name as the folder.

To sync additional folders, place them in the master folder and sync again.

If you choose to sync selected albums/folder instead of All in the Photo sync settings in iTunes, you can choose what subfolders (in the master folder) to sync.

For your case, this means you can select the main PC folder you mentioned, then select all the subfolder you want to sync, provided they are only one level down.

However, I recommend creating a folder specifically for syncing with iOS and placing copies of folders and pictures in it. This way you can tune/add/delete the pictures you want without worrying about whether you've just deleted or misplaced the only copy you have.

iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
Last edited:
Surfer: I was struggling with transferring photos back and forth between my P.C. and my Ipad. Someone suggested an app., Photo Transfer and I did purchase it. $2.99. Should have done it sooner and would have saved many frustrations. I personally think it is a little silly all the stuff you have to go thru with ITunes, but that's just me. I can now transfer one or many at a time between the two very quickly. Just a sugg., hope helps you.

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