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Transferring ipa's wirelessly, or without itunes?


iPF Noob
Hi guys, my desktop isnt set up now since i'm in the middle of a move, but i was wondering if there are any ways to transfer ipa's to my ipad/iphone without plugging in to itunes?

lil background about what im working with - 32Gb ipad - greenpoison jailbroken with cydia, full ifile, etc. and an old eepc with some fileson it i want to transfer.
Hmmm...speaking in terms of ipa's might rouse up a few folks her as they mostly associate that with cracked/pirated apps. Lol. If these are ur own, then get ifiles if u dont have it already. Will recognize and download any file format. Its the best file explorer out there for ipad. Just take the files off ur computer n put them to Sd card and put the sd card in the cammera connection sd card piece. Hook up to ipad thru connector slot. Then open ifiles and u should see flash drive or something showing ur sd card. Then go into it, cut out the file u want , then paste back into the appropriate section in the internal ipad files. Thumb drives will wrk also but since apple reduced the voltage output on the connector on the bottom, not all thumb drives will wrk. It has to be one that draws very little power from the ipad. So if it has alot of lights or whatever on it, it might not wrk. Ive read alot of the cheaper/older/simple thumb drives wrks. Like luxar brands n others. Wont hurt to try if u do have one. If u dont see flash drive in ifiles then try lookin into var\mount area in ifiles. Hope that helped. Theres a way to transfer the files wirelessly thru wifi on ifiles but i never took that route. Good luck n post back if ya got it to wrk. P.s. U also need apple camera connection kit if u wanna add ur sd card or usb drive to ipad.

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