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Trapped in DFU Loop Part II.


iPF Noob

As you can see I'm revisiting this topic to appeal the sympathy and vast intellect of the posters on this forum. I am trapped in a DFU Loop still, yet recently I was able to boot onto tethered 4.3.3 firmware via Redsn0w.

Annoying as having a tethered iPad was, I was content with living with it. That was until I ran out of battery power. The plug for my charger fell out one night and my iPad shut down.

"No problem," I thought. "I'll just boot it right back up into Tethered."

Except this time there wasn't any backlight, or any response from my iPad except the acknowledgment that my device was outside DFU mode like normal after a Tethered boot.

I am at my wit's end. I will swear up and down that if it's a hardware error then I certainly didn't cause it. I don't know what else to call it but bricked.

Can someone help me? Please? Is there something I've been doing wrong?
Plug into itunes, do DFU mode, then itunes will recognize it as an ipad in restore mode.

If you dont want to restore, use redsnow, and just click "boot tethered". Then follow DFU like you normally would.
Tried both.

I get an error message from iTunes and while my iPad does exit DFU Mode upon tethered reboot the screen is still blank.
I appreciate your upset, but your logic about the fact that it didn't have a hardware fault when you started, so you don't think you have one now, doesn't make sense to me.

It sounds like a hardware fault. Hardware faults happen, and you can't see them happening. By definition you can't identify how it happened, and these are not unheard of / rare situations.

You have a hardware fault. That is the best I can come up based on everything you have told us in all your threads. I've been jailbreaking devices for 4 years. They don't behave like you describe unless there is a hardware fault. Sorry.

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