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Travel bag for your Ipad


I use the ColcaSac sleeve. Very comfortable.
Just bought a "Padded Messenger Bag iPad Netbook Mini Computer Case" on ebay fpr $20.00 last week. My other bag, Travelon Carry Safe Messenger Bag just fits
the iPad and the bare necessities. Wanted something a little bigger for travel that would hold more stuff and protect the iPad. Figured for $20.00 how could I go wrong. It has larger pockets and places for notebooks and will be useful as a carry on bag.
this one is my favourite:
Cocoon Harlem - CSN346 - Cocoon
although i'm actually looking for a leather messenger bag for a while now, but i haven't find the right one yet. :(

Have you tried etsy.com? Put "leather iPad messenger" in the search field and see what it returns, and if there's something close enough to what you like but isn't exactly "it", the vendor/studio can probably customize one to suit.

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