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Trouble w/ iBooks

No problem. Still making my mind up on whether to buy it. I'm not a fan of biographies, but I might make an exception for this one. Though I get the impression I've already read most of the juicy, controversial, and mean parts just by skimming the headlines. (head shake)
No problem. Still making my mind up on whether to buy it. I'm not a fan of biographies, but I might make an exception for this one. Though I get the impression I've already read most of the juicy, controversial, and mean parts just by skimming the headlines. (head shake)
I know what you mean...the press's need to publish all things sensational and bad it seems.

I'm alternating between listening to the audio copy and reading it which is kind of strange, but I can't just stop and read sometimes...although I don't read as fast as, um, some around here ;) so far I'm really liking it.

I read one of the author's other books, a biography of Albert Einstein a year or so ago at the recommendation of a friend. I didn't think I'd like it, but Isaacson is terrific at making even the most mundane things interesting...and the interesting really intriguing. I'm not big on biographies either, but he has a knack for making it very real...as if you were there meeting with the subject yourself and experiencing a day in his life. Based on that experience I didn't hesitate to buy the one on Steve.

Each to their own of course, but it's been great so far.
Hmm, even more intrigued now. It will have to wait until next month though. This one's already cleaned out my entertainment budget, and them some.
I preordered the book on Amazon, sent it to the iPad 2 with iOS 5 and reading it Amazon's Kindle for iPad app. No problems bookmarking.

It's an interesting read and refreshing to go back in time instead of thinking about the future products.

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