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Trying out my iPad at work .... surprised myself

The day after picking up my iPad wi-fi 64GB, I took it to work to try it out.

The good:

1. I impressed people on the transit bus -- the iPad isn't sold here in Canada yet ... maybe April 24, hopefully sooner. I bought mine from the US Apple Store (I bought 2 of them for me and my wife).

2. The non-work function is excellent: Safari (wow!), photos, movies (especially HD!), games (even the iPhone/iPod low-res ones look good -- the iPad has a zoom to have them almost fill the screen).

3. I was happily surprised with the Mail application (it's the same on the iPhone of course, but I don't have one and hadn't tried it; I set up accounts for Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and my company's Outlook Exchange email)

4. Even though the Mail app only uses MS Exchange Webmail, it is MUCH better than accessing WebMail with a browser. It synced all my mail folders, Contacts and Calendar with Outlook and has kept them in sync ever since. I can read and reply to email from any of the accounts while offline and they save the out-box until I connect to wi-fi again. The two-panel Mail screen is elegant and simple. It is much nicer than any of the three systems and also better than my BlackBerry.

5. Mail on the iPad (any iPhone OS device) subjectively runs much faster than MS Webmail on a browser, because it is a client app brings mail into the device before you ask for it ("Push" from Exchange, I believe)

6. The wireless keyboard that came with my iMac 27" works on the iPad

The Bad, or, 'room for improvement':

1. When Bluetooth is turned on and the Apple wireless keyboard connected, the pop-up on-screen keyboard no longer works, even if I turn off the keyboard. I had to turn off Bluetooth to get the on-screen keyboard to reappear. I don't think I will use the wireless keyboard very much until ... (see 2.)

2. The iPad DEFINITELY needs a dock or cradle of some kind for business use -- typing on a glass placemat is not fun after a few minutes, and holding with one hand and typing with the other doesn't work well. I have large hands, so I can actually type with two thumbs, just like on my BlackBerry -- it's the only way I can get portability and still be able to type. I have ordered the iPad Case from Apple, but delivery is later in April. The case looks like it will be able to hold the iPad still and at a low angle for typing, or in a more upright position for watching a movie.

3. I worry about dropping the iPad because the aluminum case and glass screen are slippery. The Case should also help with this issue.

4. I've run into some of the problems fixed in iPhone OS 4.0, but will have to wait until later this year for it on the iPad. Opening attachments is the main issue: PDF, PPT and DOC files open reasonably well, but the MS Office 2007 and Office for Mac 2008 create .docx and .pptx files, and these attachments can't be opened at all with iPad Mail.

5. Support for opening/displaying MS Word .doc files works most of the time, but there is a problem with displaying tables.

6. I'd like to see a set of apps or a suite of apps that will support editing and exchanging documents. OpenOffice on the iPad would be one alternative if it existed, and there may be others that come along soon.

7. Not really a business use issue, but a pain regarding the iPad in Canada, is that the App Store app on the iPad will not work at all, and the Canadian iTunes App Store does not have the iPad apps yet (there are a small number but not the full set). It is possible to purchase whatever apps are available, including the iPhone and iPod Touch apps using iTunes and then syncing to get them on the iPad in the meantime.

8. I wish the iPad had a slot for a security lock. It's just too portable and compelling ... it could easily grow legs and walk away if you know what I mean. I have set up the 4-digit security PIN ... necessary, since it contains all my business email folders.

9. The shiny glass attracts fingerprints, so I had to go out and buy a micro-fiber cloth and alcohol aerosol to keep it clean; one of the side benefits is that keeping hands and iPad clean means I am less likely to pick up a flu virus (now why isn't THAT in the benefits list?)

Any questions? Just ask me.

Good review but I would probably stay away from any liquid cleaners on the screen. Dry microfiber should be sufficient.
Have you tried Pages, Numbers and Keynote for your word docs? Also - not sure of the name (iPDF) but I did hear about a pdf reader that works very well.
The back of almost every apple product is finger printy. Like the ipod, iphone, etc. That why when you open it theres plastic on it. Avoids that problem, but people love taking that off. Its there for a reason!xD
when useing the Wifi unit to open up email from the google and msnbc hotmail accounts ..i do not really have a problem as say when useing the internet set up on the O.S of the ipad unit ..

i set the home screen unit to google ..i know that bad but that the homepage i used for years and it works for me ,

when typle on the unit i lay it flat of the table that iam useing and it in a hard gel type of case 1-protects the unit when on the table-2-that do not let the unit move on a surface when typeing ..

plus i gotten pretty good at hunt an pick typing when out in public and i have to input something into the program i have or to basicly answer a email message or compose a mail if it need ....

i have been looking around for a traveling type fold down protable keyboard unit.. i have found one and waiting for it to be shipped to the apt and i will try it out and see if it meets the standards for i want it for. the stand allows the unit to pluged into the keyboard and stand in a upright prostion for when useing keyboard ..so iam waiting to see if it will work with the unit ..also it has own travel pouch for carrying the unit .. for i waiting on the unit to ship from the resaler of the unit as we speak about it here...

.i have a standard apple dock unit on the desktop computer to allow the unit to stand up right and have the data inputed into the unit via cable system from the desktop into the programs .

do not have any movies on it ..what i do have is games and music and personal applications for my own use ..and that it ..

my unit is used for my personal use than anything else ..
I use mine at work for note taking. Currently I write an email to myself and send it after the meeting ends. It would be great if i could do it by replying to the meeting in the calendar. Does anyone know if that is possible?

Is anyone trying a writing pen? If so which one and on what apps? How is it working? I would think there's a future here for digital ink.
Cleaning options

Good review but I would probably stay away from any liquid cleaners on the screen. Dry microfiber should be sufficient.

Thanks, Edlex. I now fully accept your advice. I had bought some large micro-fiber cloths and alcohol spray, but the cloth alone works fine. I definitely had stayed away from any liquid cleaner that contains water, because some red wine got under the glass of my iPod Touch from the edge one time (don't ask, but avoid drinking and touching http://www.islateforums.net/images/smilies/smile.gif And don't use the iPad as a beer coaster either http://www.islateforums.net/images/smilies/smile.gif ).

I just went to a preview presentation at a local Mac dealer and the presentation showed that the iPad has an additional coating on top of the glass to "reduce" fingerprints (go figure! I'd say it doesn't work). Fingerprints are a major issue, hence the dry micro-fiber cloth is now with me and the iPad all the time.

I'm looking into screen and back protectors (from Zagg and others) for a possible purchase. I actually want to reduce fingerprints and maybe that will help, in addition to scratch protection.
Interesting post...I wonder what others work experiences have been?

Mine was near God-like!:D

I found myself unexpectedly OCD after seeing so many strange fingers handling my new born baby. All were amazed, the haters wanted to be first...they walked away silently. Which means they know they are in awe!

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