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Trying to restore/update Ipad 2 (jailbroken) to IOS 5.1 **ERROR 21**


iPF Noob
Im trying to update my Ipad 2 Wifi only to 5.1.
- But i cant.
Itunes gives me the error 21.
And im stuck at the "connect to Itunes" screen...

What can i do to solve this???
I have googled it, but I dont think that its my security programs... But what do i know??? :)
PLease help:thumbs:
Error 21

I had the same problem with my iPad 3 (5.1.1) that I was trying to restore from a Jailbreak, I got it out of Recovery mode by using TinyUmbrella.
Still trying to figure out how I'm am going to restore back to Factory, but at least my iPad is working.

Only reason I was trying to reset my iPad was to I can save the SHSH Blob before I re-Jailbreak it.
Im Such a dumbass sometimes, a setting on TinyUmbrella was preventing me from restoring it.
Hope this helps some one else from not repeating my mistake.
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Only reason I was trying to reset my iPad was to I can save the SHSH Blob before I re-Jailbreak it.

I just want to bring this out so I can emphasize this: You do not have to be jail broken on a certain iOS firmware in order to save the SHSH blobs. In addition, you do not have to be running the iOS firmware on your iPad in order to save blobs for that firmware.

As long as the "signing window" for the firmware is still open (Apple is still authorizing the firmware for installation), then you can save blobs whenever.

The two processes, while vital to the jail breaking world, as completely different from each other.

Just to clarify...

I have had this same problem many times. If you are on a Mac you need to open terminal Applications>Utilities>Terminal and then type "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" enter "killall Finder" without the quotes. Afterward open up your hard drive and find the "etc" folder, find "hosts"drag it onto your desktop, open it up scroll to the bottom and delete the stuff that looks similar to gs.apple.com. Once you have done that drag the hosts file back into the "etc" folder authenticate and replace and then you should be good to go in iTunes. Let me know if this works.
I have had this same problem many times. If you are on a Mac you need to open terminal Applications>Utilities>Terminal and then type "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" enter "killall Finder" without the quotes. Afterward open up your hard drive and find the "etc" folder, find "hosts"drag it onto your desktop, open it up scroll to the bottom and delete the stuff that looks similar to gs.apple.com. Once you have done that drag the hosts file back into the "etc" folder authenticate and replace and then you should be good to go in iTunes. Let me know if this works.

I had the same problem with my new iPad. It was on 5.1.1 jailbroken, and I wanted to restore it to stock iOS.
In Restore Mode I got unknown error 21, in DFU mode unknown error 1600.
By removing the line from the hosts file I got it to restore in DFU mode :)

Thank you very much, owensky!!! :)

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