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TUTORIAL - Failsafe method to restore the current version of IOS

Tried to update iPad 3 (GSM version) to IOS7; after 10 minutes or so, the 'plug into iTunes' prompt appeared. I plugged in and attempted to restore and got an 'unknown error(-1)'. Repeated (a dozen times) and kept getting the same message. Followed the steps in this post and now I am getting an 'unknown error(3)'. Can't find a reference to this error. Any thoughts?

Error3 is usually a synchronisation error, and nothing to do with a restore.

Since you are trying to install IOS7 are you SURE you are using the latest versions of everything? You must be on the latest iTunes to install 7 flawlessly. To be honest, you really shouldn't need to follow this tutorial at all. I plugged my fully jailbroken iPad4 into iTunes and simply hit restore and IOS7 was installed from start to finish without doing anything special at all.
Error3 is usually a synchronisation error, and nothing to do with a restore.

Since you are trying to install IOS7 are you SURE you are using the latest versions of everything? You must be on the latest iTunes to install 7 flawlessly. To be honest, you really shouldn't need to follow this tutorial at all. I plugged my fully jailbroken iPad4 into iTunes and simply hit restore and IOS7 was installed from start to finish without doing anything special at all.

Running OS 10.7.5. iTunes is 11.1. No firewall. After the initial attempt to update (when I got the 'plug into iTunes' screen), I tried at least a dozen times on two different macs before trying the steps on this tutorial. Initially, I was getting all (-1) errors. After using the steps presented here, I got a -3 error.

Now I am back to just plugging in and trying to restore the normal way (not using the DFU method) and my error is always 3 (actually, I got a 3014 error once, but I am back to just 3)

Something went wrong when I initially did the over the air attempt. I'm getting the errors following the firmware restore. Is there a way to scrub whatever half loaded crap I have managed to download and start fresh? Can you flash the bios on an iPad? Will jailbreaking help?
Of course, this iPad 3 is past its warranty period, so Apple wants to change me to fix it (if it can be fixed). Frustrating since this happened when trying to download iOS7. The likelihood that a hardware problem just happened to occur at the exact time I was updating the software seems so unlikely to me. This is a firmware issue, I just don't know what the next step should be.
Of course, this iPad 3 is past its warranty period, so Apple wants to change me to fix it (if it can be fixed). Frustrating since this happened when trying to download iOS7. The likelihood that a hardware problem just happened to occur at the exact time I was updating the software seems so unlikely to me. This is a firmware issue, I just don't know what the next step should be.
You might be able to try "download only" the iOS 7 restart iTunes and then try the restore. iTunes won't be looking on the cloud for the software since it is already on your computer. And, perhaps, use a different USB port on your computer.
You might be able to try "download only" the iOS 7 restart iTunes and then try the restore. iTunes won't be looking on the cloud for the software since it is already on your computer. And, perhaps, use a different USB port on your computer.

Thanks. I just tried restore from the downloaded iOS7 (Option+Restore) - same error (3). I also tried a different USB port and a different cable. Still getting error (3).
Error3 is usually a synchronisation error, and nothing to do with a restore.

Since you are trying to install IOS7 are you SURE you are using the latest versions of everything? You must be on the latest iTunes to install 7 flawlessly. To be honest, you really shouldn't need to follow this tutorial at all. I plugged my fully jailbroken iPad4 into iTunes and simply hit restore and IOS7 was installed from start to finish without doing anything special at all.

Any additional insight about how to fix a synchronization issue (error 3)[FONT=arial, sans-serif]? Is it possible that this iPad is just a paperweight now?

Off the chart frustrated right now...
Any additional insight about how to fix a synchronization issue (error 3)[FONT=arial, sans-serif]? Is it possible that this iPad is just a paperweight now?

Off the chart frustrated right now...

Maybe it's time to take the iPad in to the Geniuses at the Apple Store? Hopefully, they'll be able to help get it up to iOS 7.

Sorry, but I've run out of things to suggest.


I have a IPad 2,4 (I suppose its a rev A). The IPad is jailbroken and now I want to reset it and install iOS 7.

I have followed this tutorial but gets the 3194 error.

I have tried this tutorial on 2 computers(Windows 8.1/Windows 7) in 2 different networks. I have closed the Windows Defender and the Firewall on both. I have also checked so the host file is clean and this is how it looks :

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

Could someone help me get this going?

Edit : Okay, it looks like I missed somthing here. My IPad 2 is in 5.1.1 and this tutorial will not work with that right? ... I can´t provide the link in this post, but there is another turturial on this website called "TUTORIAL - Re-restore IOS 5.x on iPad2 and iPad3 using redsn0w and SHSH Blobs", is this the one I chould follow? If I understand it correcly it will reinstall 5.1.1 vanilla on to my IPad 2 and then I can do the regular iOS7 update that iTunes suggests?
Last edited:
If I may ask - what version of iOS 7 are you trying to install? Hopefully, it's 7.0.3, which is the most current.

As I was answering this, I noticed we haven't updated our thread for official iPad firm ware (we're showing iOS 7.0.2 to be the most current - which is wrong. For that, I apologize and we'll get it updated.

For now, please go to this link (http://www.redmondpie.com/ios-7.0.3...-5c-5-4s-4-ipad-ipod-touch-direct-ipsw-links/) to get the iOS 7 version you need to restore your iPad2 to iOS 7.0.3.

Good luck and holler back if you run into any more issues.

Thanks, Do you mean that I kan go direcly to iOS 7.0.3? Is this done with the redsn0w? redsn0w seems to need some kind of blob? Where do I get that from?
Thanks, Do you mean that I kan go direcly to iOS 7.0.3? Is this done with the redsn0w? redsn0w seems to need some kind of blob? Where do I get that from?

7.0.3 is the latest iOS, meaning you don't need blobs. With respect to blobs, blobs are only useful for iOS 5, assuming you have both iOS 4 and iOS 5 blobs. iOS 6 blobs are not usable, and iOS 7 APTickets are still extremely experimental, and will most likely not be useful.

If you're restoring to iOS 7.0.3, you'd use the iOS 7.0.3 IPSW. You don't need RedSn0w to restore to stock unless you're looking to preserve your baseband on the iPhone 4, as that's the only possible device that supports a baseband preservation procedure.
still can't get my iPad to restore

Hi there, I tried to update my iPad OTA Wednesday and it seemed to go just fine as did the installation until it rebooted it's self and showed the connect to iTunes icon on the screen. I connected and it said it needed to restore, okay fine I tried to restore it but it wouldn't work. It came up with a few different errors during the many times i've attempted this, I decided to try it on my iMac instead of my windows laptop but still no joy. I followed your tutorial but iTunes keeps coming back with the "Cannot restore the iPad "iPad" because it is not eligible for the requested build" error. I've edited the host file, taken out the gs.apple portion and flushed my fns cache but it keeps coming back with the same thing over and over again and I don't know what to do.

Hi there, I tried to update my iPad OTA Wednesday and it seemed to go just fine as did the installation until it rebooted it's self and showed the connect to iTunes icon on the screen. I connected and it said it needed to restore, okay fine I tried to restore it but it wouldn't work. It came up with a few different errors during the many times i've attempted this, I decided to try it on my iMac instead of my windows laptop but still no joy. I followed your tutorial but iTunes keeps coming back with the "Cannot restore the iPad "iPad" because it is not eligible for the requested build" error. I've edited the host file, taken out the gs.apple portion and flushed my fns cache but it keeps coming back with the same thing over and over again and I don't know what to do.


The only time that that error message will crop up is if you're selecting an IPSW that's not that of the latest. If you're manually selecting the IPSW, the device identifier must match that of your device and the iOS must be the latest iOS unless you're on the iPad 1, in which case you can create custom firmware files to restore because there is a LimeRa1n exploit for the iPad 1.

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