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Tweaks gone after reset


iPF Novice
I had to reset my gadget (pressing power and home buttons for x seconds) because iFile completely froze it. After the reboot, no tweaks are around (the new toggles in Control Center, Activator gestures... nothing). I know in iOS 5 and 6 there was some "safe mode", but no indication of such thing is evident here. When I tapped the Activator icon, a dialog box said Mobile Substrate is not running, and mentioned safe mode. I tried power off/on, another reboot, nothing changed. Also, the tweaks section in Settings is missing.
I can run iFile. Diagnostics & Usage has a new "panic.plist" entry around the time of the :original" reboot.
Any idea how to fix this?
If you installed a package before the iFile crash/freeze, uninstall that same package, then reinstall MobileSubstrate
I had to reinstall Substrate Safe Mode as well (followed by respring), and only then the related tweaks reappeared.
I had to reinstall Substrate Safe Mode as well (followed by respring), and only then the related tweaks reappeared.

Another possible solution is to install tweaks like FlipControlCenter that implements a respring button, and when necessary, tap the respring button to trigger a respring, which is essentially what you're looking for and doing when reinstalling MobileSubstrate. It's not that MobileSubstrate is "dead" per say, you just need to respring to "resuscitate" it.
He he, you wouldn't believe, I did install FlipControlCenter a few hours ago... but I removed the Respring toggle then (thinking, I'm not gonna need this). :D But in this case it would be useless anyway, because the Control Center was back to its default for the duration of that problem.
Ah you're right. I use the Team Sync Respring every time I have an MS issue to ensure a fully working respring.
Apparently, the issue wasn't iFile-related. I read somewhere that Substrate was never reloaded after a reboot. According to Fix issues with iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweaks by reinstalling Mobile Substrate you were supposed to reinstall Mobile Substrate and Substrate Safe Mode and respring/reboot afterwards. I had to do this once again yesterday.

Hopefully that won't be necessary anymore as a lot of updates were issued today, including Mobile Substrate, and an iOS7 compatible iFile (this one yesterday, but another patch today as it seems). Yay!

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