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twitter on ipad - draft of retweet problems


iPF Noob
Anyone else have this issue... know solutions? When creating a tweet and exiting before complete, I am able to save the tweet as a draft. However, when I go back to the draft (thru New Tweet) and click on it, it just disappears. I am unable to bring it back up to edit and send.
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I have exactly the same problem at the present time. Previously tapping on a draft in the Drafts panel would cause it to open for adding to or editing but now it just vanishes. I fail to understand why you've not received any assistance.
Probably because none of us have bothered to post that we don't know the answer. I don't use Twitter. Many others that do may use a different client. Or are you using the web page. The OP isn't clear on this (well, not to a non-twitter-user).

I only saw this because I make a habit of subscribing to threads when I don't know the answer, just in case I might learn something.

If you are using an app, the only advice I have is generic. Try a restart, and if that doesn't work a soft reset. If it is the web client, no idea at all.

When things start acting a bit weird, it's a good idea to completely shut the iPad off and restart. You should probably do this at least once a week (my unsupported opinion on frequency.)

Just hold down the power button for about three seconds. You'll get a power off slider. Go ahead and slide it off. Wait until the iPad completely shuts down and then restart it by holding down the power button for about three seconds again.

For more serious problems, when shutting it off doesn't work, you can do a soft reset. Hold down the power and home button until the Apple logo appears, about 10 to 15 seconds. Let go and wait for it to reboot. This will take a few minutes, so be patient.
Use hoot suite app for twitter. Anything else is just plain silly. No problems here with drafts or scheduling. Enjoy.
Im using twitter for ipad and i got the same problem with the draft... It just dissapear when you try to tweet a draft...
Does anyone know how to contact Twitter? I'm tearing my hair out trying to find a way of contacting them about the 'vanishing draft' problem. I keep going round in circles from one link to another at their Help Center.

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