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Two iPad questions, e-mail and iPod app


iPF Noob

I'm an iPod n00b and I have two questions...

1) With my iPod Touch, I could select an artist and "play all songs", which would play the songs in alphabetical order across all albums. With the iPad, it seems that there's no way to get an alphabetical list. Is there something I'm missing or is this a feature that doesn't exist with the iPad?

2) This question actually applied to both iPad and iPod Touch. With my Windows Mobile phone, I'm set up to retrieve my POP3 e-mail through Outlook. When I remove e-mail from my server (through my desktop PC), the e-mails downloaded to my phone get removed from the inbox, which is a feature I like as the desktop is my primary e-mail facility. Is there any way to do the same thing with the iPad/iPod Touch?

Thanks in advance!

hi there,

@1 should work the same as on the iPod, cause it uses more or less the same app

@2 will only work with IMAP or Exchange servers that way. POP is a one time delivery. The only thing you can do, is set up the account that way, that it leaves the email after fetching as unread on the server. But full functionality as described will only work with IMAP and Exchange.
Hi Kheldour,

Thanks for your reply. The iPod app definitely seems to work differently on the iPad, so I may have to live without the ability to see a list of songs in alphabetical order across all albums.

I'll see if I can set up the iPad in the same way as I have my Windows Mobile phone set up. Outlook will clear its inbox if the e-mail was removed from the server, and that's set up with POP3. I may have to live with the inconvenience of deleting e-mails manually.



Did you ever find a solution to this? I was looking for my ipad to function the same way as my windows mobile phone as well. I want the ipad to delete the email from the server when I delete it from the iPad. And to also clear messages once I've downloaded them to my desktop PC.

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