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Two users one ipad !


iPF Novice
Has anybody used Switchapp for iPad . It's suppose to allow two accounts on one iPad , didnt think this could be done just what I need but not sure if it's like the mac ??? Does anyone know ???
It's just a multi-user web browser - you're right, you can't have separate accounts on an iPad. All the other apps are single-user. 'Switch' is just a standalone web browser that maintains a separate list of bookmarks and history files...

It's just a multi-user web browser - you're right, you can't have separate accounts on an iPad. All the other apps are single-user. 'Switch' is just a standalone web browser that maintains a separate list of bookmarks and history files...


Thanks Tim you solved the mystery, don't think I will bother with that one. Looks like I will have to wait till Apple does it in an update, or get dear one his own iPad .
I hope this is the correct place to talk about this, the title of the thread is my question/issue. I just got my IPad 2 but will be that sharing with the hubby, as it is the "family" iPad, do I need to select one of us to be the main user? Can we have both calendars, a combination of his apps and mine? Is there really a way to share, he will mostly play games and watch movies, I will read, toddler games, shop, etc.
I hope this is the correct place to talk about this, the title of the thread is my question/issue. I just got my IPad 2 but will be that sharing with the hubby, as it is the "family" iPad, do I need to select one of us to be the main user? Can we have both calendars, a combination of his apps and mine? Is there really a way to share, he will mostly play games and watch movies, I will read, toddler games, shop, etc.

It is not possible to have separate 'user accounts' on an iPad, in the same way that you can on a PC. So it's not possible to segregate emails, app, music, videos etc. Basically every user will have access to the same apps and email. It's possible to establish some temporary restrictions on the iPad - for example you can place an age restriction and then apps which exceed that age limit will not even appear on the Home screen, it's possible to exclude users from access to the Safari and YouTube apps and to prevent users from making in-app purchases, adding or deleting apps - but preventing access to email is not possible directly - you can prevent users from adding or deleting accounts but that's about it (there is a very ugly workaround if you really need to prevent other family members from accessing your email account, so post again if you need this - it's a bit convoluted, but it works).

Thanks for the update, I dont want to restrict him, I was I guess asking as u said on a PC we can both access and use what we want, we just need to decide who the main user is OR hubby gets his own lol. I was just curious how others on the forum handled their iPads who may be sharing and any tips, thanks
There is no good way to share. Though there are some jailbreak options, we tried and rejected them all

Buy him his own...

Apple wants to market iPad as a personal product. So they won't allow multi-user account. Also doing that will make it crawl towards full computer territory which will eat their Macbook sales.
Tim, Would like to know about this convoluted workaround. Changing email settings is not practical.
It is rather important to me that other members of the family do not have access to my emails and buying other iPads is not an option. With thanks.
Tim, Would like to know about this convoluted workaround. Changing email settings is not practical.
It is rather important to me that other members of the family do not have access to my emails and buying other iPads is not an option. With thanks.

i could answer this, but i rather Tim answer first, and then i will chime in, as my chime in would require being jailbroken, or i will think of something else.
On topic, as of recently, someone created iUsers (please stay away for now, don't try), seems to be giving trouble for some, if not all, but it is here and hope they can really fix the bugs on it.

I'm really hoping someone can help me. I was on 4.3.3 and did the jailbreakme with everything running fine. Stupidly I installed iusers today and after creating a new user I was locked out with no passwords working!

iUsers Allows User Accounts on the iPad

so please wait on kinks to be straightened out first, especially for ipad 2, as you might have to restore if anything goes wrong and might lose your jailbreak.
Thanks for the update, I dont want to restrict him, I was I guess asking as u said on a PC we can both access and use what we want, we just need to decide who the main user is OR hubby gets his own lol. I was just curious how others on the forum handled their iPads who may be sharing and any tips, thanks

It's easy to share if you don't need to hide or restrict things. My husband and I do. You can set up more than one email account and only look at your own and you can either make separate folders for his and her apps, or have all of yours, say, on the first page and all of his on the second. You can also have different bookmark folders for the internet.

But waaayyy better to just have two ipads!

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