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UK holidays keep cropping up in my calendar


iPF Noob
I am a Dane, but my iPad is in English, and I have had it for a couple of years. Recently, a new problem has appeared: the 'UK holidays' calendar has installed itself, and I cannot get rid of it! I wonder if this happened with the new iOS.

Is there any way of deleting this calendar permanently, or at least replacing it with Danish holidays?

I am a Dane, but my iPad is in English, and I have had it for a couple of years. Recently, a new problem has appeared: the 'UK holidays' calendar has installed itself, and I cannot get rid of it! I wonder if this happened with the new iOS. Is there any way of deleting this calendar permanently, or at least replacing it with Danish holidays? Steen
Hi, steenkh! Welcome to iPF!

The UK holiday calendar came with the new iOS on my iPad too, and I'm from Austria. If your iPad is set to UK in Settings - General - International - Region Format, that's the reason why it appeared.

If you choose your country there, the holidays will change. If you don't want to change this, you can hide the calendar.
Open the Calendar app, tap "Calendars" (bottom, middle). Scroll to the UK calendar. It should be check marked. Tap it, the check mark will be removed, and the calendar won't appear in your events.

Hope that helps.
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Go to Settings>General>International>Region Format>Denmark and you should have the Danish calendar with the correct holidays.
I just tried it. Here's the Danish calendar for April.


I changed the regional format to Danish, and the problem was solved. The price seems to be that weekdays and other stuff will be written in Danish, which looks a bit odd on a machine with English language, but I can live with it.

I also got the Danish holidays, which is fine. Strangely, the subscribed calendar with Danish holidays that I already had, was removed, which is also OK, but how did it know?

Well that's news to me.

You used to have to install a holiday calendar manually. I wonder when they started including them in the regional format. I'm guessing it was iOS 7, since I just noticed my holidays doubling; but hadn't gotten around to figuring out why.

. . .

Fixed the doubling. Evidently the update automatically removed my subscription to U.S. Holidays for the native Calendar app and settings, but failed to do so for the third party app (Calendar 5). I deleted the extra calendar there and I'm back to single holidays.

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