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Ultimate Couch Potato iPad Stand

LOL! I was so worried you would be mad at me, Ivan! I see that there is an EDIT button. I swear that was not there last night when I was working on this smiley thing, which I ultimately paid $2.99 for and the silly yellow globs won't post here, from my iPad!
Of course this is what I meant --

Finally, Pictures!

Picasa Web Albums - LL - Ipad Couch Po...

Picasa Web Albums - LL - Ipad Couch Po...

Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to get the pics to show, so here's the link.

Apart from the boom stand (around $20-30 at your local music store) it was another $20 tops for the board and pieces. All you need is a drill, screwdriver, Allen wrench (I had to use Allen screws because of the mount configuration; wider heads wouldn't work. Oh, and it did help that I had the speaker mounts already.
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Picasa Web Albums - LL - Ipad Couch Po...

Picasa Web Albums - LL - Ipad Couch Po...

Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to get the pics to show, so here's the link.

Apart from the boom stand (around $20-30 at your local music store) it was another $20 tops for the board and pieces. All you need is a drill, screwdriver, Allen wrench (I had to use Allen screws because of the mount configuration; wider heads wouldn't work. Oh, and it did help that I had the speaker mounts already.

You're missing a picture of the whole arrangement in it's native surroundings, I'd really like to see it:)

Congratulations, Metairieman I hope it will serve you as well as mine does to me!

By the way, you wrapped you picture locations in URL tags, just replace them with IMG tags, it's with the icon next to the letter that looks like a frame.

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