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Unable to download apps to my ipad


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score
Please help. I have attempted to download "pages" to my ipad many times using both my husband's and my own itunes account. Each time it says it was unable to complete the download and yet I have paid for it twice. This is the process I've taken: In app store I click on "pages" app INSTALL. It tries to install and then tells me to go to itunes in downloads to complete installation. When I go to itunes there is nothing in "downloads." I go back to app store and click on Install again. I get the message " You've already purchased this but it hasn't been downloaded. If you're having trouble downloading it, select check for available downloads from itunes on your computer , then sync ...." then it pops up another message "Unable to download application. Pages will be available for download when you log in to the itunes store on your computer. Now I am in an infinite loop. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Sheryl
iTunes is a quirky little devil, isn't it? Try this with iTunes:

1) Go to the iTunes store (in left side strip)
2) Once there, click on "App Store" at the top. Do a search to find your app
3) Next to the app icon/description (make sure it's the one you've paid for/under the iPad apps list), you'll see a "download" button - click on it
4) Your app will download to iTunes

Then, you can hook up the iPad to iTunes and move the app over to the iPad.

If it says "downloaded," it means you've bought it and it won't charge you again; it's one of the neat "features" of apps - no charge to re-download an app and free updates.

Hope this helps.

Possible answer


I think what's going on is two things:
- You can't download it to your device
- A poorly worded error message doesn't make clear what you need to do.

When your non-desktop App Store lets you purchase the app, it then tries to download it to your device, but fails. This could be because:

- Pages is over 20MB and you are trying to download over 3G instead of WiFi. If this were the case, you should have gotten a little alert saying something about 20Mb.

- Pages won't run on your device because it is too old or something (impossible, since we are talking about an iPad I assume).

- You don't have enough space on your device. Unlikely, but worth checking by going to your Settings/General/About/Available and seeing if you have enough space for Pages.

- Mysterious other reason?

Anyway, when the purchase succeeds and the download fails, you are told to continue the download from your desktop iTunes. Your interpretation of the message is that the app will be in your Downloads folder in your desktop iTunes.

It will not be there automatically because of something you did on your iPad.
Instead, you must go to your desktop iTunes using the same account you used on your pad, and then try to purchase it from the Desktop. The button in the app store on your desktop should probably say "Download" instead of "Buy", but I can't guarantee it. In theory, if you click Buy on the desktop iTunes, it will 'know' that you already paid for it from your ipad (same account), and will simply begin downloading it. Only then will it appear in your desktop iTunes download folder.

Once it downloads to your desktop iTunes, you hook your device (ipad) up and Sync and you are good to go.

I still don't know why it wouldn't download to your device, but I do know that the Downloads folder on the desktop won't automatically populate without you clicking Download or Buy from the desktop.

Hope this helps,
I just bought a new iPad 2, and I can't download any apps directly from the ipad app store. Only can do it through iTune on my macbook. even small apps like friendly. Please advise. I cam connected via wifi, and my ipod downloaded apps fine.

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