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Unknown Error Message (9) When trying to restore iPad 1


iPF Noob
Hi, recently i purchased an iPad 1, and am having problems when trying to restore the device. I put it into restore mode as it was going to sync every app on itunes which i didn't want, so i had to try and set it up as a new ipad again. Now the ipad is in restore mode, when plugged in to my laptop, iTunes does not recognise the iPad until i put it into DFU mode, by holding down the home button and Power button simultaneously, then releasing the power button until the 'connect to itunes' symbols appears. iTunes then recognises the iPad in restore mode and asks me to restore it. When i click to restore, it always stalls just after the 'waiting for iPad' message appears on iTunes, then the error 'Could not restore Ipad, an unknown error occurred (9)' appears.

I have tried downgrading my firmware and restoring my iPad to v3.2 but then the error 3194 appears. Also by trying to restore the firmware to the newest version using a downloaded firmware also returns this message. After some research on the matter, i read a few people claiming the problem is the USB ports. I have since tried restoring on another laptop and a PC, but still the error 9 message occurres, therefore suggesting it isn't a problem with the USB. My understanding it that it is either a problem with the iPad, or with the Firmware i have downloaded, and iTunes does not recognise this. As further information, the iPad is a first generation ipad which had the latest firmware updated on (v 5.2). It seems to be whenever i try to restore to a firmware i downloaded seperately, i get the error message 3194, and when i just click the restore button, and automatically updating to v5.2 i receive the error 9 message

Any suggestions as to how i can fix this problem?

Hi Marilyn, unfortunately the same error code appears (3194) when trying to do this. I'm not too sure exactly how TinyUmbrella works but the box for "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit" was already unticked, so i therefore closed the progrm, put my devide into DFU mode and tried the restore process again. It seems to be getting stuck when it tries to verify the restore with apple. Does this mean there is a problem with the firmware?

Huh. That "Failsafe" method usually is.

Have a look at this sticky for the 3194 error: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=28716. One key thing is too make sure to "Save changes" in Tiny Umbrella.

But, all I can say is to try the steps again in the first link [in this thread]. Unless it's a hardware fault on the iPad - this method's been very effective in getting devices to iOS 5.1.1 (when followed exactly as written). I don't know why it's not working for you...

I really don't have any more to offer, sorry.


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