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updating to ios 5?


iPF Novice
Guys, i just plugged my ipad into 2 different itunes computers i have to update my ios to 5.

but they both say the newer version 4.3.5 is ready to update.

wtf? how do i get 5 instead?

Just about to upgrade, but it now it warns me.....

updating to ios 5 will delete all of the apps and media, including itunes store purchases, on your ipad. To preserve your content, apply your update on the computer where you sync app music photos etc etc.
updating on this computer will only preserve contacts, calenders, text messages and other settings. please do not interrupt the update which will take an hour or so tom complete etc etc

what exactly does this message mean?
yes, i've synced and backed up to my new mac, which is where im on. but i still get this message, which is a bit disconcerting. do i upgrade, then need to restore to get my data back?
that thread doesnt answer my question :(

if i sync and back up, then up grade, then restore from back up, what os will it restore to? 4 or 5?
wel, all installed and updated very quickly. probably 15 mins at most. but it didnt install any of my music/vids/apps back in, even after several attempts at restores. but no worrys, a quick 10 mins re-syncing them back over did the trick, and retained all user data they all had.
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