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Updating when free app becomes paid


iPF Novice
I understand usually in apps store if I buy something then subsequent updates of same app is free.

But what if a free app becomes paid? Can I still download updates without paying?
Of course it is! Once you download that app it's yours any new updates can be downloaded free of charge, as if you had paid full price! I've done this numerous times!
Really? I could have sworn that I tried that once and because it was free to me initially, it wouldn't let me update.

I could be wrong ~ I only have like 10 apps.:o
I understand usually in apps store if I buy something then subsequent updates of same app is free.

But what if a free app becomes paid? Can I still download updates without paying?


The creator of the app chose to offer it free for a time and that's the "price" you paid. When updates are offered, since you "paid" for it - you also get the free upgrades.

Same theory works when you buy an app that's on sale. When it goes back to regular price, you don't (1) pay the difference when the price changes or (2) pay for upgrades.

So far, it's a great system - upgrades are free from the App Store.

I downloaded deadspace hd for 9.99 then two weeks later it was .99cents, I wrote to apple they credited my credit card. I kept the game on my ipad and when there was an update, i updated it. I still play it
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In cases where Iā€™ve seen ā€˜freeā€™ go to ā€˜paidā€™ its included a more full-featured 'pro' iteration. Itā€™s just been a while since Iā€™ve seen introductory go from ā€˜freeā€™ to ā€˜paidā€™. Perhaps I havenā€™t been all that attuned to the relatively low cost of apps. Then again, I'm rather conservative and not as app-slappy as I use to be.
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SaberOne said:
In cases where I’ve seen ‘free’ go to ‘paid’ its included a more full-featured 'pro' iteration. It’s just been a while since I’ve seen introductory go from ‘free’ to ‘paid’. Perhaps I haven’t been all that attuned to the relatively low cost of apps. Then again, I'm rather conservative and not as app-slappy as I use to be.

Oh then that's different, if it's a pro edition then you have to pay for it but if the updates show up in the AppStore as available then you won't, as Marilyn explained you have 'paid' for it even though it's free.

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