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Upgraded to ios11

Dave, how did you manage to download the iOS 11 user guide? When I try to save it to iBooks, all I get is a few pages of one chapter. Link?

Also, the new Today screen makes me crazy. To see my widgets, I have to pull down, then swipe right...EVERY TIME! Why wonā€™t it stick on Today instead of reverting to Notifications, which I never use?

Some of the Apple apps canā€™t be put into folders anymore.
Dave, how did you manage to download the iOS 11 user guide? When I try to save it to iBooks, all I get is a few pages of one chapter. Link?

Also, the new Today screen makes me crazy. To see my widgets, I have to pull down, then swipe right...EVERY TIME! Why wonā€™t it stick on Today instead of reverting to Notifications, which I never use?

Some of the Apple apps canā€™t be put into folders anymore.

Hi Lanny - believe that I used iBooks on the iPad (see first pic) - directions listed in image which should permit a manual download - or, use a browser and google 'Apple manuals' - see 2nd pic w/ directions - there you should be able to read the manual online or download - hope one of these methods work for you. Dave :)
Dave, the first method worked, once I reenabled the iBooks store. Thanks. The second method only saves the current chapter as a PDF.
Dave, the first method worked, once I reenabled the iBooks store. Thanks. The second method only saves the current chapter as a PDF.

Hi Lanny - glad you were able to DL the manual - as to the second image in my previous post, i.e. in the browser, if the 'iBooks' option is selected, then the dialog box shown below appears - on my iPad which already has the manual, 'Read' is my option; however, I suspect 'Get' would be the choice otherwise and permit a DL to iBooks - Dave :)
Hmph. I finally managed to move apps into folders. It's much trickier than before--if you don't press for exactly the right duration, and drop in exactly the right place, the move fails. Ridiculously frustrating; what was wrong with the old method, which worked easily? Somebody at Apple has too much time on his hands...

I do like the new keyboard, with flicks to do numbers and punctuation.
With the ā€˜oldā€™ method you used to have to tap-hold until the app icons began to wiggle before you could drag them into folders. You can still do that, and it works much the same as it did.

Now you can drag icons immediately, but because dragging the icon is also part of drag&drop and multitasking, it needs to be more precise; so that you donā€™t accidently open/drop icons into folders when that isnā€™t what you intended.

Iā€™m guessing that Apple figures itā€™s better for you to be inconvinienced every now and then when you are re-arranging icons than every time you try to drag&drop or multitask. A lot of the new features seem a bit touchy. I imagine Apple will fine tune the drop zones and responsiveness of the new UI as they get a firmer idea of how most people use the features.

Itā€™s a bit amazing how quickly I adjusted to dragging icons around the screen willy-nilly. There is no muscle memory at all for the old special edit mode you had to use before. It just feels natural, like I was doing it all the time.
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