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Uploading Pics from iPad to Facebook?


iPF Noob
So I made my first attempt at uploading a picture from my iPad to Facebook and it was much more painful than I had expected. I was using FB on the Browser and attempted to use the selection for "Upload a Photo". The only problem was, that the "Choose File" button was disabled and would not allow me to select a file from the iPad. Any idea why this happened? Better yet, any idea how to fix or overcome it? I ended up using the "Upload via Email" option instead but would prefer not to do that unless absolutely necessary. Thanks in advance for your help!
I want to say the choose file button wasn't there since there is no central file management system like on a computer. But I use the app Friendly and it is pretty easy to upload photos to Facebook from my iPad 2.
Friendly is awesome, it's down temporarily but should be working within the next couple of days.

One option to quickly upload pics to Facebook is PhotoLoader HD Lite for Facebook...

It's free in the AppStore..
Thanks guys. I was digging around tonight in photoshop express and noticed it had an option that would allow me to upload photos to FB from that app. I'm going to see how that works.
Just FYI... I tried to upload pics using the Friendly app this morning and had the same issue as I mentioned above. It would be nice if it could recognize the pictures on my iPad and allow me to browse to them.
You can use the fb app for iphone on ipad. That app could let you upload pics and even lets you create an album. Allows you to browse from your album too.

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