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Usage function in general & battery problem


iPF Noob
What does the usage function do exactly ? Mine is still showing --- fort both items.
And also since the last update to iOS 7.1.2 the battery seems to be draining fast. Same settings as before. Anyone experiencing same problem with the iOS. Mine is an ipad 2.
My battery is not any worse off on iOS 7 but I don't allow apps to refresh in background. I don't leave GPS on all the time either. My usage doesn't really tell me anything because I'm always doing partial charges, I'll have to let the battery go to 0% and use ipad until another 0% and see how many hours I'm getting between full charge. Apparently a partial charge doesn't count
There are plenty of threads in the forum re battery usage and draining. Suggest you do a search for more assistance.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I have already set up the settings as a guide suggested on iOS 7. But it was just a question about the function itself and a remark about battery drainage. Thanks
The Usage option is a function to allow quick access to some teeny-weeny info about the iPad storage, iCloud storage, and some battery stats. Can be handy sometimes.

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