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USB Audio for iPad 2


iPF Noob

I've been reading various articles on the internet about getting USB audio into the iPad 2 using the Camera Connection Kit. A lot of them seem to be saying that after upgrading through the later versions of iOS 4.3 and into iOS 5 that some cameras and card readers etc stopped working as apparently the current consumption limit had been reduced. Other reviews seem to suggest that the CCK doesn't work at all in iOS 5.

I would like to use something like the Griffin iMic to give me an external route to get audio into the iPad 2 but I cannot find a conclusive answer...

Can anyone confirm that they are successfully using a USB audio adapter such as the iMic on an iPad 2 with iOS 5, with or without a powered USB hub?

Many Thanks
Hi and Welcome to the Forum!

I can't answer your question about audio, hopefully someone else will chime in here, but I can tell you that the CCK does work on IOS5

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Sent from my iPad using iPF
It will be interesting to see if you get a response from this. My perception is that Apple has taken the "U" out of "USB" (at least for the iPad), and that CCK use beyond pictures is pretty limited.

My CCK still works on IOS5, by the way. But only for pictures, just like before. Nothing has changed for me.

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