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Usb wireless connection lost after ipad connected to pc


iPF Noob
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
Ive had my iPad since about last August and love it. I have never put any music or videos on it, nor have i updated it through iTunes (which i hate, rather HATE, through prior experience with iPhone).

I am moving away and finally decided to connect the ipad to my pc. I just updated my pc with xp service pack 3. When i connect the ipad to the pc, im lucky if iTunes recognizes it (maybe 1/5 times) and it tells me that it requires an update.
I agree to the update but within a few minutes my internet connection is lost. This pc is on a wireless connection. The wireless is still active as my iPad still has internet as well as the other hard wired pc in the house.

Even if i do not open iTunes and initiate the "download and install updates" option, my Internet connection is lost on this pc. The computer no longer recognizes my wireless usb key, and the only solution is to restart the computer, nothing else seems to work.
Obviously the iPad update has not occurred since the internet is lost within 2-3 minutes of starting the update!

I am at my wits end with this iPad. I just want to update it, and then transfer some music and video to it- doesn't seem like too much to ask. I have previously been using it only for a few small apps and an ereader.

I have ESET NOD 2 AV with no spyware or malware issues im aware of.

Also: can someone tell me how to scroll efficiently in embedded text boxes like this? It is very slow and difficult to scroll in this window.

Thanks all.
Try downloading the 4.3.3 firmware directly from the appropriate link (top one I think) in our thread here to your desktop...


If you have problems, make sure you temporarily DISABLE your anti-virus.

Then, once the download is finished, in iTunes, hold down the shift key as you click the "update" button for your iPad. This will open a dialogue box and allow you to SELECT the firmware file you just downloaded to your desktop. That should allow the process to go through without a hitch.

And scrolling in text boxes is done with a two-finger scroll on the iPad. Hold down two fingers in the box and drag...
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If I put my iPhone too close to my laptop, it kills my wifi connection, not always immediately, but it's predictable. I haven't had the same problem with my ipad2, but it's something to consider.

It sounds like a USB issue on your pc to me. You mentioned that you "just updated" your laptop to xp sp3. I'd check and/or update your USB drivers. Maybe try another USB port on your pc. I've had worn out USB ports that don't get a reliable physical connection.

Here is an article on cleaning up old device drivers in xp.

Removing unused device drivers from Windows XP machines | TechRepublic
THanks for the advice.
I was able to update the iPad by downloading and updating separately. The connection issue still happens, I've tried switching the USB ports etc with no change. But it's only the wireless that goes now, the keyboard/mouse keep working.

Thanks, I'll try cleaning up the old drivers, that definitely could be an issue.

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