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Using a USB memory stick


iPF Noob
hi guys,

can I ask a really dumb (snip-edit) question please.

do any of the ipads (I only have the ipad1) have a usb port so that a memory stick could be used !!

I have seen something called a 'camera connectivity kit'. Is this the only option ! I assume the kit is attached to the ipad and the memory stick is connected to the other end.

The reason I ask is that t wwould be easier to download film / tv etc onto a stick than having to transfer from the pc onto the ipad itself. Would I be able to use this device on my ipad1

thanks in advance.

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Hi, I've deleted your other post as it is a duplicate of this one which fragments the discussion/responses and breaks the rules.

No iPad has a native USB port, there is a CCK as you point out but AFAIK it won't do what you want unless you are jailbroken however, I use a iUSBPort (formerly CloudFTP) which allows me to connect and USB mass storage device wirelessly.

The Archangel
Hi Gabriel

apologies for the double post..wasn't sure where to put it.

re the CCK..my ipad is broken...so will a usb memory stick work ! can you explain what an iUSBPort is please.
thanks for this.
To be honest I'm not that tech savvy and this looks too complicated.
All I want to do is download stuff onto a memory stick and somehow plug it into my ipad. If it can't be done then I will have to keep doing it the old fashioned way.

thanks anyway

Hi mucky,

I second The Archangel's way, and here is another alternative. This one might be easier for you.


The principle is very easy. You have the Airstash which is a USB stick with a SD card of any size inserted. So you connect the stick to your computer and copy files to it.
Having deconnected the stick you press its only button and fire up its own Wifi. You now connect your iDevice to the Airstash's Wifi and start the Airstash app.
And you can stream the content to your device.

Does this help?


thanks for the suggestion. It looked really good until I saw the price and nearly had a heart attack....lol

will keep looking.

thanks again.
The price might be a bit high, but you can use several SD cards; therefor expanding your iDevice's storage capacity endlessly.


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