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iPad and USB flash memory card

it can read both DSC and IMG files

the dsc file is 108KB 1000 x 750, the img file is 4.93MB 4000 x 3000

loads both fine
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Wytey said:
it can read both DSC and IMG files

the dsc file is 108KB 1000 x 750, the img file is 4.93MB 4000 x 3000

loads both fine

Thanks! Now for a follow up question.. Does the filename even matter? I used to have a samsung camera and that had a different name from both of those. And what if somebody wanted to name their files to something descriptive, which a lot of people do.
Things have changed

I posted last year that it using the camera kit with a thumb drive and folder DCIM worked great. It did ... until the upgrade to iOS 4. Apple seriously limited the power that the connection port from ~900 mA to ~200 mA. Very few USB devices can operate at this low level and need external power. I had been able to use a Sandisk Cruzer before but now it does not work. The USB connector is useless unless you are directly connecting your camera and it supplies the power. The SD card connector still works because it is just reading a flash card. This limitation requires the use of a dedicated camera USB cable and the battery drain to transfer pictures or using an SD card only that has been removed from some device. You could use a PC but why even offer such a limited camera kit. I know it is a very raw spot for professional photographers, who typically use compact flash cards and were using unpowered USB devices to load pictures to view and/or edit without the need for a computer or wasting battery power on their cameras. As for importing from a Sony camera, yes the Ipad does recognize the DSC files, but since Sony cameras use MS Pro storage, it is the same scenario of using your cameras USB cable and waste power or upload your pictures to a computer and transfer them via the Apple USB cable or copy them to a SD card.

I like that I can do it by fooling the Ipad using a simple DCIM folder but I don't like the idea that Apple altered the technical aspects of the Ipad (without any notice or documentation) so that one of its ancillary products is severely limited. Apple is reaping the rewards for the creativity and application of the Ipad in areas they never could have anticipated it being used. I find it distasteful that in an effort to control what peripheral devices could be used it even diminishes the utility of its own product.
GlenL said:
Thanks! Now for a follow up question.. Does the filename even matter? I used to have a samsung camera and that had a different name from both of those. And what if somebody wanted to name their files to something descriptive, which a lot of people do.

the filename does matter, anything other than those it will not recognise

shame really, like you say, renaming pics to something more descriptive is what a lot of people do, me included

@ Jamboy

indeed, i have a load of thumb drives, but only 1 works :(
I forgot,what format on video does the iPad work on? I filmed my little one learning on her bike from a camcorder us a disc I would like it on my iPad
Hey guys, just thought I would post up how I use the iPad2 with the camera attachment. I film a lot of video's using my Contour1080p helmet cam. I record my video's in 720p 60fps. I remove my microSD card from the camera and put it into an Adapter SDCard, the Adapter SDCard into the iPad camera connector, and the files are available for import into the iPad2 camera roll.

After importing the video files onto the iPad, an option is presented asking if I want to delete the files off of the source SDCard. I accept this and my files are removed from the SDCard so it is ready for my next ride. I use only a single 16GB MicroSD card for weekly long trips and it has worked perfect the last few months (used the iPad1 previously)... no PC required when camping out in the Sand Dunes of Glamis!

These files are .MOV format and they are imported and play with no issues on the iPad2.

Here is my setup:

Sorry blurry picture (iPad2 camera :()

If interested, here is a sample raw video I have uploaded, no conversions or editing done.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OrxG-W33PU"]April 2011 Buttercup Video[/ame]
Sjwred said:
I forgot,what format on video does the iPad work on? I filmed my little one learning on her bike from a camcorder us a disc I would like it on my iPad

Also if your recorded video isn't natively supported, you can download the latest Handbrake version, which has an iPad format built-in so that you can convert your video to a format iPad likes.
My mini disc recoded the video in VR mode, (makes no sense to me),the mini disc works on my dvd player but when i burnt it to another dvd size disc i cannot copy it to the laptop but it will play it.I tried the disc un-finalised and finalised .

Justice for the 96
Sjwred said:
My mini disc recoded the video in VR mode, (makes no sense to me),the mini disc works on my dvd player but when i burnt it to another dvd size disc i cannot copy it to the laptop but it will play it.I tried the disc un-finalised and finalised .

Justice for the 96

I'm not sure of exactly what steps you took, but perhaps you made a standard DVD movie on the normal size disc. If you did, that means you'll have to "rip" the DVD to your laptop, as opposed to just copying it. What kind of laptop do you have? If you have a Mac, I believe the Handbrake Mac version can do this for you. If Windows, then there's some other programs that can do the same thing. I would try googling "DVD to iPad", as I have not done that before.
Missing Something?

I seem to be missing something here. The original question in this thread was how to move pictures FROM the iPad 2 to a storage medium, like an SD card, without using a computer. I have a new SD card and added a DCIM folder to it and hooked it up to the iPad using the camera connect kit. When I look at pictures on the iPad and tap copy, nothing happens. How can I get them to move FROM the iPad TO the SD card attached with the camera kit.

Help me if you can.
maconmac said:
I seem to be missing something here. The original question in this thread was how to move pictures FROM the iPad 2 to a storage medium, like an SD card, without using a computer. I have a new SD card and added a DCIM folder to it and hooked it up to the iPad using the camera connect kit. When I look at pictures on the iPad and tap copy, nothing happens. How can I get them to move FROM the iPad TO the SD card attached with the camera kit.

Help me if you can.

You can't....it's a 1-way street....the cck is only used for importing pics/vids from SD to ipad.

Only with a jailbreak can the blockade be lifted....
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