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Using the iPad at work, my experience so far...


iPF Noob
The iPad is a great piece of technology, mostly used for personal entertainment. But a lot of us, the users, want to bring that little marvel to work and make things more efficient with it...

I'm not sure that the iPad is actually more efficient than using a laptop, but it has some advantages. I am currently using those apps:

- Mail app (stock one)
- Calendar app (stock one)
- Pages
- Numbers
- Penultimate
- Organize HD
- Skype
- Webex client
- GoodReader

Mail, calendar and contacts are all managed by Google, it works great. As previously posted, I use multiple calendars, and have tags set on incoming emails using filter rules. My contacts are mostly used for emails, as my iPhone takes care of doing the calls...

Numbers is a must! I can update my timesheets, create quick checklist that I can share with colleagues, and organized data imported from texts and excel spreadsheets.

Pages is great also as I can write my reports on the go. It's not as powerful as Word, but it does a pretty good job and the documents looks really good in PDF format.

Organize HD is a must when you have to struggle with many tasks and with team members. At first, it looks too simple to be useful. But going a bit deeper in it, and you will get that perfect task list that you can share with your team members. The key is using the context for categorizing and assinging your tasks. Most of the time, I just want a quick way to manage tasks without falling into a full gantt project management. When I realized that a context can be a team member, a project, a sub-project, a location, or whatever you want, and that you can assign multiple contexts to a task, it made my life a lot simpler. It's free, so go ahead, play around with it...

GoodReader is... the perfect file management tool. And of course, being able to put annotations on a PDF file is a must.

Penultimate... Great tool, but still not using it that often... But for quick notes, it's perfect.

And Skype! Having conference call, using Skype is a breeze. Combined with webex, you can attend any meeting, any time...

My iPad will not replace my laptop, but is a good complement. It's like having a second monitor, used for organizing your day and tasks, that you can bring to the conference room. It's light, does not hide you at the conference table. Using it while working on the laptop is convenient as whatever intensive work you're doing on your laptop, your iPad won't slow down, letting yo read you emails, manage your task or attend a voip meeting. Of course, the laptop can do it all, but you may still suffer some slow down while compiling that big project...

It's like having a mobile, wifi, light and smart second monitor display for your laptop...

VicoPad addict!
Thanks for the info on Pages and Goodreader. When I start student teaching next semester I will use Pages a lot to create handouts and lesson plans.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hey doctor house, you may want to take a look at either air display or display link, that way with a stand you can use the iPad as a 2nd monitor!
How would you compare/contrast GoodReader with Instapaper, Evernote, Feedlerpro, etc? I have not tried Good yet, but I am curious.

I have not used Feedlerpro, but the other three apps don't compare well. While there is some overlap they each address very different needs.

GoodReader is primarily a PDF reader. It has many other file upload/download/management tricks that make it a versatile tool, but PDFs are definitely it's strongest point. Instapaper is for saving and reading web articles later. GoodReader would be almost useless for this. Just as useless as Instapaper would be for annotating a PDF.

Evernote is a note taking and organizing app. It can read PDF's if you send them to it, and it can clip web pages for later browsing, but it does this with no frills or extras. It's main purpose is to record and organize ideas, reminders, or any other bits of information you don't want to lose.

I wouldn't want to do without any of these apps, though I could live without Instapaper if I had too. The other two are just too useful to do without (my opinion only, of course)

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