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using two ipads on one itunes account etc etc

Well, I looked for some info and I couldn't find. I guess u guys can help me.
I use an iPad whose account belongs to my boss. We use her account to share apps.
I wonder if my Personal email, facebook account, photos and videos are available for the account owner (my boss).

I would not use any of my personal stuff on a company-owned iPad...this is a big no-no that can get you in big trouble. You could be asked to surrender that iPad over to them without notice and all your stuff would be exposed. Don't do it. Get your personal stuff off there and ONLY use that iPad for work-related activities.
I would not use any of my personal stuff on a company-owned iPad...this is a big no-no that can get you in big trouble. You could be asked to surrender that iPad over to them without notice and all your stuff would be exposed. Don't do it. Get your personal stuff off there and ONLY use that iPad for work-related activities.
Unless you got permission from your boss do what AQ said and remove any personal stuff from your iPad or you could get into a lot of trouble.
I would not use any of my personal stuff on a company-owned iPad...this is a big no-no that can get you in big trouble. You could be asked to surrender that iPad over to them without notice and all your stuff would be exposed. Don't do it. Get your personal stuff off there and ONLY use that iPad for work-related activities.

Yeaaaah! I have no personal photos anymore, but I still use my facebook and email from it since I also use them for work.
But i'd like to know if there is any chance people get my info by using the same account. I mean, not only my boss, but the other employees who share the same account. Is that possible?
Have I deleted all posts? :O
Oh Gosh!

No Personal stuff anymore, but was that possible? I mean, can my boss or other employees who share the same account see my Personal info? No photos are availabe, but I do have to use facebook and email.

Thanx u all for the replies!:)
I don't *think* they can see your stuff unless they have the iPad you are using. For example, let's say tomorrow they asked you for that iPad and you handed it over to them. Then they can get into all of your stuff. They can go right into your Facebook and your email and your photos. That is why, unless you are given explicit instructions that you can use it for personal use, and you are sure they won't get upset if they decide they don't like what you may be posting on Facebook, or when you are posting it, or how much you are posting, or what you are reading there, or when you are reading there.......see, this is why you keep your personal stuff personal and separate from your work stuff. You never know when they might decide they don't like something that might seem very harmless.

It use my personal iPads at work. But I keep a pass code on mine (so if I ever lose it no one can get in) and I know they cannot ask me for it because it is not theirs. Do you keep a pass code on yours?
I don't *think* they can see your stuff unless they have the iPad you are using. For example, let's say tomorrow they asked you for that iPad and you handed it over to them. Then they can get into all of your stuff. They can go right into your Facebook and your email and your photos. That is why, unless you are given explicit instructions that you can use it for personal use, and you are sure they won't get upset if they decide they don't like what you may be posting on Facebook, or when you are posting it, or how much you are posting, or what you are reading there, or when you are reading there.......see, this is why you keep your personal stuff personal and separate from your work stuff. You never know when they might decide they don't like something that might seem very harmless.

It use my personal iPads at work. But I keep a pass code on mine (so if I ever lose it no one can get in) and I know they cannot ask me for it because it is not theirs. Do you keep a pass code on yours?
Nope because this one is not mine indeed. But I will get mine soon so I can use for Personal purposes and I will sure use a code! Thanks for the Tips! [ ]s

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