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Verizon Admits to Throttling Netflix and Other Streaming Services


iPadForums News Team
Verizon admits to throttling Netflix.webp

MacRumors reports that after some Verizon Wireless customers started noticing last week that various streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube were being throttled, Verizon admitted to Ars Technica that it is in fact throttling some services. A Verizon spokesperson said that it was doing so as “part of a temporary test” of a “new video optimization system,” adding that “the testing should be completed shortly,” and assuring customers that their “video experience was not affected.” The company is due to end its temporary test very soon.

News of Verizon throttling streaming speeds first appeared on reddit earlier last week, with Verizon users picking up on the fact that the Netflix speed-test site was showing streaming speeds limited to around 10Mb/s, yet other sites such as Ookla Speedtest were showing streams as normal with no throttling.

Bringing up the issue of Net Neutrality, The Verge said that Verizon’s throttling of Netflix and You Tube in this way was actually more of a hard cap than anything else.

Sources: ttps://www.macrumors.com/2017/07/21/verizon-throttling-netflix-traffic/

Verizon admits to throttling video in apparent violation of net neutrality

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