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Verizon Data Sloooow. Ipad 2

Wow..that sucks. Maybe you should use it in a couple different areas to see if the signal gets better...but if you definitely can't use it in places that you are often..you should definitely see if you can exchange or get a refund or something.
that of AT&T's. So say all the comparison articles I have read.

Potential speed is much different than network congestion. On workdays in Boston ATT is about a third the speed of Verizon. NY and San Francisco are the same I've found. If you live in a less populated area ATT is fine.
Verizon not known for speed

I ended up snagging a Verizon Ipad 2 on launch day because the guy in front of me snagged the last AT&T version. I thought I'd give it a try because of everyone touting its reliability.

Needless to say I am disappointed. Many times the Ipad is 3X slower than my iPhone 4 and it rarely even hits 1Mbps.

I think I am going to return it or flip it.

Anyone want to trade an AT&T version? ;)

Yes your right about Verizon, Here in Texas they are dogs with data. We tried Verizon with wireless for our PC and its was bad. Back with ATT for us. I cant understand why Verizon is so big with poor services they sell. If you dont mind waiting you can sell it on ebay at hundreds of percent profit right now. I sold mine and got the next one for free with my profits
I was asking about this over at another forum, but these are the speeds I got when comparing my iPad1 vs iPad2 64 gb using the same speedtest app.. I'm baffled (yes, wifi is off) I'm going to try again later this evening and maybe bring it out with me today.

ATT Results

Verizon Results

If this is a network flux... It's better to flux UPWARDS instead of DOWNWARDS as it used to do always with iPhone 4 and iPad1. Sometimes, I'd show full bars but get super slow data or none at all! That is NOT worth the money. Crossing fingers and if anyone has any insight to the above, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's almost like having an LTE iPad!
Wolfpuppies3 said:
that of AT&T's. So say all the comparison articles I have read.

Is that just for ipad's? Just curious because I have found the opposite to be true. I have a W7 phone (work phone) that is on AT&T and an android phone (personal) on Verizon. Verizon always connects faster and more reliably for me at least. I live in TX but travel north (as far as MI) frequently with same results.

I only have wifi iPad2 so I cannot comment on that.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Wow..that sucks. Maybe you should use it in a couple different areas to see if the signal gets better...but if you definitely can't use it in places that you are often..you should definitely see if you can exchange or get a refund or something.

For me it has nothing to do with location, it's all about overloaded networks. Even though I had full bars, my ATT iPad would slowdown and completely stall during the afternoon on work days. In the same location, with full bars, my new Verizon iPad2 is consistently fast, any time of day.

Boston, NY, San Francisco are all markets where ATT's networks are waaay overloaded and almost unusable at certain times of day. Like I mentioned, ATT was so bad in Boston that I gave up my unlimited plan for better data speed.
I was asking about this over at another forum, but these are the speeds I got when comparing my iPad1 vs iPad2 64 gb using the same speedtest app.. I'm baffled (yes, wifi is off) I'm going to try again later this evening and maybe bring it out with me today.

ATT Results

Verizon Results

If this is a network flux... It's better to flux UPWARDS instead of DOWNWARDS as it used to do always with iPhone 4 and iPad1. Sometimes, I'd show full bars but get super slow data or none at all! That is NOT worth the money. Crossing fingers and if anyone has any insight to the above, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's almost like having an LTE iPad!

If the verizon test is off of 3G then that test is flawed as a Mofo..lmfao 3G and 4g speeds aren't even that fast so how in the world could it pull those numbers? That verizon test must be off of a home based wireless high speed network cuz verizon mobile 3G and 4g networks are not that fast...I call bluff..lol

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