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Verizon dropping Unlimited data

Guess what. You buy an Android EVDO from Sprint and you get BLOATWARE that can not be removed from your phone. There is a huge thread on Slashdot.com from angry Geeks who are not happy with the Android situation.

All is not well among the folks who tout open source compared to the iPhone!

Look at this exchange about the HTC Incredible I lifted from on post on Slashdot a few minutes ago


Funniest thing is that people have said that to me, and they weren't joking. Part of the reason I got an HTC Incredible is that everyone kept talking about how open Android phones are. Then I was like, "Ok, now how do I get WiFi tethering on this bad-boy?"

The response was, "Oh, it's easy. You just have to root it."

"So you're saying I have to hack it. Same way I can do whatever I want with my iPhone, but I have to hack it first."

"No, no. It's totally different. Android is open."

"But you have to hack it in order to be able to do what you want?"


*sigh* "Ok, so how do I root an Incredible?"

"Oh, you can't. Someone will probably figure it out sooner or later, but for now you're just stuck with what you have."

"But I could jailbreak an iPhone now and do whatever I want with it. People already figured it out."

"Yeah, I guess."

"How is this more open again?"

"Because with Android, you can do whatever you want! It's Linux, after all."

First of all, the HTC Incredible is on Verizon and not on Sprint.

Second, you CAN do wifi tethering on android phones without rooting, you just have to pay more for it.

Third, The reason Android is far better than iOS is because it allows the user to not only install applications from the marketplace, but also to side load any application they want into their phone. That means that by default the phone is the equivalent of a jailbroken iPhone. Next, Android allows the user to customize their phone to THEIR liking. Android users do not have to live with 11 pages of square boxes and NOTHING else. Android allows the user to customize the phone to whatever level they feel comfortable doing so. Apple on the other hand dumbs down their phone to such a point that it has become comical. Seriously Apple, no clock and weather widget on a homescreen? I have to launch separate applications to see texts and emails and twitter and weather etc, etc, etc. There is no comparison. It gets even worse when the iPad is STILL unable to have widgets.

People throw the word Open so randomly without actually knowing what it actually means and by the sounds of it, you don't know it either.

Android is called Open Source because any coder can contribute to the making of OS and because the source is open to the public, any coder can change it to make it better or prettier. That's why there are so many roms out there and each roms are keep updating to get better battery management, better 3D gaming, convenient features such as auto wireless management, etc. Why did you automatically think that you can do anything, both illegal and legal? If you wanted to do anything that the manufactures or wireless providers don't want you to do, you gotta break the barriers that they put on their phones.

Remember this, Google didn't not put any limitation on any phone. They simply provided "Open Sourced OS" for smartphones. By rooting your phone, you are simply breaking the barrier that HTC and Sprint have put in there.

Finally, if you want to break rules, you can do it with iPhone too obviously.

I really wish the next time when someone say crap about Android's Openess, that they know anything about what they are talking about. If you want to learn more about Linux based smartphone OS, go to real website xda-developers.com, not some gadget site like slashdot or engadget.
What does Att have to do with anything? And that droid x does not use more, the droid,and mostly all smart phones can use that much. 3G is going to stay unlimited.

I'm not sure where in any part of the rumor you're getting the notion that 3G data rates will stay unlimited, but Verizon's LTE 4G network is still in the fairly young stages to continue to offer unlimited data rates for the multitude of Android phones on their network. The Droid 2 is apparently slated for an August release. I believe Verizon is just too big a network to continue to offer unlimited data for all these media rich smart phones. The only reason Sprint offers unlimited data is because thats the only way they can still compete with the bigger players of AT&T and Verizon.
This isn't a rumor at all and them dropping the 3G unlimited in first place is abrumor itself. Nothing was confirmed that anything will change.

Unfortuanly that statement is incorrect. It was posted by verizon CEO about 2 weeks ago that they do not plan on changing data anytime soon, but until the 4g takes off, then things will change.
Droid openess - vulnerable.
iOS closed - security.
You can take your choice.

Sorry but that is not a true statement. There is no way to prevent apps that steal data from entering the app store or the android market.

iTunes accounts were hacked, flashlight app ended up having Easter egg which allowed for tethering. I can go on and on. I don't have a issue with ios but dont mislead people thinking it's secure
Actually this wont end being a bug deal. 3G is still going to be unlimited. Noing is changing about that. .

I am glad I finally found you. I got a bargain on a bridge in NYC from a Nigerian. I can let you have it for a steal. Send me your email address.

You will be able to charge anything you want and with all those people in NYC you will make a killing. Act today.

Excuse me while I laugh at you ignorance. Ha.
Droid openess - vulnerable.
iOS closed - security.
You can take your choice.

Another one that doesn't know what he is saying. Where did you get this idea that because a project is open that it means it is more vulnerable? If that is correct, then Firefox should be the most vulnerable compared to everything out there because it's also an open sourced project. Open sourced project is not more dangerous, because the source is open, anyone can contribute to the project at anytime. This is why Firefox used to update like crazy because it was getting better by the second (now it's slower because the project becomes more and more concrete).

Security can be breached by any means if there is a weak spot. If there is a vulnerability, any company will act in almost nano-seconds to fix that weak link. Open means that the project has a lot more developers than closed ones. Which will be more secure? That's one of the stupidest questions.

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