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Very sad today, same problem::::::


iPF Noob
I exchanged my Ipad 2 today, I bought on the first day they came out, didn't know anything about the backlight bleeding and didn't see anything until I found this forum like 2 or 3 weeks ago, my device had a very light bleeding on the left side and bottom part of the Portrait screen. The new one has a similar problem maybe little more bleeding but not to bad because when I watch movies it is almost not noticeable to almost nothing, I don't know what I'm going to do next, maybe keep it or change it in a month when hopefully the new batch will be out. I did the exchanging because I thought the new ones are out, but that I don't know for sure.

What do you guys think about it.

For sure they will change it again if it worries you and it's noticeable. We've had members exchange several iPads. But, as the previous poster said, did you have to really look for it to notice it. Light bleeding is, to some small extent, almost inevitable with backlit LCD displays. If, under normal conditions, you don't notice it, wait a while and see and don't worry; enjoy your iPad.

Yes, it is not easy to see it, in normal conditions It doesn't show, you have to bring the brightness to the maximum, be in a dark room and have a black wallpaper picture to see it and even like that the 2 or 3 spots are very very light.

Thanks for your input guys.
I bought on the first day they came out, didn't know anything about the backlight bleeding and didn't see anything until I found this forum like 2 or 3 weeks ago, my device had a very light bleeding on the left side and bottom part of the Portrait screen.

What do you guys think about it.


So you are saying you did not notice the problem until you read about it:confused:
If there is only a little bleeding and you actually had to LOOK for it, meaning under normal conditions you wouldn't have noticed it at all, then shouldn't it be okay? Mine has very very minimal bleeding at the bottom near the home button and I would have also never noticed it if I had not checked... But then again I never have my brightness display at the very highest because I do not need it that high...(it's so bright that it hurts my eyes lol)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I bought on the first day they came out, didn't know anything about the backlight bleeding and didn't see anything until I found this forum like 2 or 3 weeks ago, my device had a very light bleeding on the left side and bottom part of the Portrait screen.

What do you guys think about it.


So you are saying you did not notice the problem until you read about it:confused:

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

This is strange. It seems that a large batch of devices have been badly quality controlled. It would be interesting to know what areas of the world this problem is most prominent in.

I have checked mine and it has no bleed at all. As Tim points out, a small amount would be expected. My laptop has a very small bleed at the extreme top left of the screen, but it's so little that it has never bothered me at all.

Apple will exchange without a fuss, they are HUGE on QC

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hey, I was on the same boat up until recently.

I requested a Genius Bar appointment with my local Apple Store (to be specific lincoln park, chicago)
Anyways, it gives you an option to leave a note; and so I did. I specifically asked for the most recent replacement units and to call my phone if they do not have any new shipments. I didn't get a call, so I went and they replaced it right away without any other questions. *offtopic--did apple start hiring models for their tech support? cuz this girl was hawwwwwt.

Back to the issue, she told me that she tested the device they were giving me herself and showed no sign of the issue. I wanted to make sure so I asked her if they had a darkroom me and her could verify it. ;)

Long and behold, that annoying light leak issue is gone!

Please don't quote me as for the fact that I can't guarantee that the issue is fixed for all replacement devices Apple is providing. But yea, that was my experience and best of luck to yours.

Edit: if it matters to anyone, the replacement iPad 2 came with iOS 4.3.1
Edit 2: She also mentioned that this replacement would be the final one regarding the issue...though it was only my 2nd swap...other people have swapped theirs 4-6 times!!!

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Same here. My friend bought iPad2 and replaced it twice. Apple Genius in Burlingame store was like "if you replace it one more time, ill :mad: u."

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