personally I was a Microsoft person for years but my allegiance is to money. I have been a .net developer for some time, and did quite a bit of work with WPF more recently and then I decided to give iOS and Mac development a try and have found that there is enough of a market that I can concentrate there and not worry about doing both. Still, I miss Visual Studio as it's a much more mature development environment than Xcode is, but Xcode is growing up a little with the soon to be released XCode 4.
I also owned a Zune and a Zune HD which I still prefer over my iPod touch because, well honestly, they look better and work better. Unfortunately theres no easy way to use Zune HD with OS X so I dropped it and got the iPod Touch.
I think some people get worked up over their product allegiances because they just need something to cling to. For me, again, I go where the money is and for me, right now, the money is in iOS development. That may change to Android before too long, but you can code for Android under either OS.
When you come down to it though, looking at core functionality, Windows and OS X are basically the same, as far as the end user is concerned. They have windows and action/reaction image based UI, browse the web and play media so I don't know what all the fuss is over it.
Can OS X boot faster than Windows? Yes
Does that really matter? Not to me, maybe it does to you.
I do think iOS will out last Android because I think the mass appeal of it will remain with hackers who aren't really interested in buying cutting edge hardware, they would rather max it out with their intense software skills and thus don't need to upgrade as often. Look at how awesome Ubuntu is and the wide range of platforms that can run it....but then look how many homes you see it that number growing? Yes. Do Microsoft or Apple really care? No
So I think we should all just get along: Windows, Windows Phone 7, iOS, Android, Symbian, WebOS, Linux, BSD and all the others...lets all get along