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VEVO Launches Free iPad App in US App Store


iPadForums News Team

The VEVO Blog proudly announced today that VEVO has launched its own HD iPad app. The free app enables US iPad owners to enjoy VEVO’s music videos in all their shiny glory on the iPad's gorgeous screen. The app has access to VEVO’s complete music catalog, totally 25,000 videos from more than 7,500 artists, and also features exclusive videos, live-streaming events, exclusive premieres, top charts and playlists and VEVO original productions.

One of the really cool features provided by the app (if you’re nosy!), is Music Maps, which lets you view what videos people are watching, not just in your neck of the woods, but all over the globe.

It really does seem like a very comprehensive app for the avid music fan to pore over, with all sorts of extra features, including artist tour dates and the ability to buy tickets online, Tweets from your favourite artists, video sharing via Twitter, Facebook and email, VEVO music trivia questions, Last.fm Scrobbling and even a calendar. I just couldn’t wait to download this app when I read the description and saw the screenshots, so it was disappointing to find out that it's only available in the US at the moment! :(

So, for those of you lucky enough to actually be in the right location to download the app, click here: VEVO HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: VEVO HD for iPad | VEVO

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