I don't have a 7d but use the CCK extensively with various devices. That's the problem with ninjailbroke iPad is that it mostly only sees photos n rarely movies from device, even if in native mp4 format.
Jailbreak ur device and get ifiles n guareentee you'd be able to see everything on ur cam, including videos. I have a digital jvc camcorder that I do this with. Just plugging it into I
Ad only shows the photos. If I start up ifiles, then press flash drive(jvc cam) on the left side, it will bring up ALL Folders n Files on that cam. Then I can view or copy/Cut/Paste the file/movie into the appropriate folder. I also use 3rd party media players. iPad native only basically supports mp4 format, although won't even see them a lot of times when u do have it. So if u try to play a DivX or mpeg2 file, it'll tell u file format not supported. This is where 3rd party apps like CineXplayer, VLC player, or Oplayer comes in handy. They play other media formats not supported by iPad n do so very well. If jail broken, just use ifiles(from Cydia). Copy/cut the movie file, then paste it into the media player of choice documents' folder. Then when u start up, player for ex., the movie will be there n can watch it no prob. U can move unsupported formats thru iTunes to the 3rd party app media player but unsure of the details. Probably drop n drag. I hate using iTunes n that's why I jail broke. To get ifiles so I can move files wherever I need to within iPad internal files. Ifiles is the top pc/Mac style file explorer for iPad and u can only get it thru being jail broken and installing it from Cydia store.