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Camera Connector Problem with Canon 7D


iPF Noob
While on a trip to Disneyland last week, I attempted to download my pictures from my Canon 7D to my iPad using the Apple Camera USB connector. I had so many problems with it I just stopped. It would start to download selected images and then crash the iPhoto app. I could get maybe 5 images downloaded before it would crash. Sometimes none at all.

I was connecting it straight to the camera using a USB cable. Has anyone else had this problem before?
Its your connector

Couple things might cause the application to crash, or cause blank or mixed/garbled photos.

1) If your using a case make sure the usb connector is fully seated, most cases block at least part of the camera connection kit.

2) Make sure you camera stays on until ALL photos are downloaded and do not touch the connector or camera during the download.

3) Check the settings in your camera, if your using mass storage mode (or the Canon equivalent, I use Nikon) change it to direct connection for my Nikon that is PTP. You will also download faster using this setting.

4) If all else fails try changing your format, but RAW+Jpeg (RAW Image Data, Jpeg Image and Metadata/EXIF data) all in one should be as hard as it gets and I have no issue with that file type.
I think it may be a format issue. But unsure

Some one whom has more experience may help you
Did you try using the SD Card reader instead of your camera? I have been able to import RAW. One thing also is the photo may have a limitation on the # of photos that it can import at once.

Would card speed have anything to do with this?
I have a Canon 5Dmii and I shoot in RAW. I have not had any trouble transferring any files to the iPad, although when I am transferring a lot of pictures I use a card reader instead of the camera. This way you don't have to worry about the camera introducing any problems during the transfer.
I've got a 7D and the iPad Camera connection kit...

I don't use it that much. But when I have used it, I haven't had any problems transferring photos. Perhaps try reboot the iPad and see if that helps.

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