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Vogue US Launches iPad Lady Gaga Cover Exclusive App


iPadForums News Team

The Guardian reports today that US Vogue has launched a special Vogue Cover Exclusives app. Publisher Condé Nast is really going for the big guns with this launch, banking on the star power of Lady Gaga to sell the app. With all the controversy around Apple’s new subscription service at the moment, Condé Nast manages to neatly sidestep the whole issue by simply charging $0.99/£0.59 for the standalone app. Although iPad magazine app sales have tended to disappoint recently, the publisher could be on to a winner with this one. I'm sure that Lady Gaga’s army of Little Monsters will gladly pay such a relatively low fee to access exclusive behind-the-scenes video from the Lady Gaga Vogue cover shoot, alternative photographs, extra interview quotes, plus author Jonathan Van Meter’s audio diary of his experiences following Lady Gaga on tour and backstage. Unlike other magazine iPad apps, the Vogue app doesn’t feature the whole magazine, which you’ll still have to buy in the store, focusing entirely on the cover story, hence the low price.

Click here to download the app: Vogue for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: iPad magazine apps don't sell? Send for Lady Gaga... | Technology | guardian.co.uk

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