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Way to force Passcode Lock?


iPF Noob
Have been researching this for a while and have only found others with the same unanswered question:

Is there a way to force the system into pass code protected lock when the passcode is otherwise set on a timer? And I mean on the actual device, possibly with an Activator action. Remote locking or respring or temporarily changing the settings all seem a bit tedious. I'm sure you can imagine several reasons for wanting the option of doing so.

Any suggestions are much appreciated. Possibly the feature is available inadvertently in another app with a different advertised intent?
If you respring the device that will lock it since the passcode timer also gets reset. Remember, you can assign a respring to an activator action if that makes it easier for you. I'm not sure why you would say a respring is tedious. To do anything, you need to do at least 1 step. So what if it is a respring? I can't see how it is tedious if it is giving you the result you want.
A respring has the advantage of being obvious and infallible. There would be no mistaking that the action had succeeded and therefore your desired result, the passcode being active for the next unlock, has happened.
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My reason for not being satisfied with a respring is that it kills all apps. I do in fact have it set in activator though :D but I felt like this sought tweak would have been written by 20 different people by now. I mean you're right, a respring will lock it for certain, and it's not the end of the world for me to reopen some apps. I figured I must be missing a tweak that everyone else had tho, since this seems fairly simple to write. (not that I know anything about developing apps)
Just switch passcode lock on,select immediately and if you want to lock it quickly just press the sleep button and it will lock.
OK, I understand. I'm just not sure I share the same enthusiasm for your "use case" being a common requirement for the majority of iPad users which 20 different developers would have created a solution for! :D

Having the passcode lock set to a "long" time for the convenience of not constantly entering it when in use, offset with the ability to turn the code on with a single action because you need immediate protection on occasion, and with the caveat that all your apps stay running, just doesn't float my boat :)

Always interesting to hear other folks perspectives though. We are all different after all!
To the last two replies: I'm looking for a shortcut to force my iPad into passcode lock immediately when it would otherwise only lock after my set time limit (eg 1 hr).
tipps1080 said:
To the last two replies: I'm looking for a shortcut to force my iPad into passcode lock immediately when it would otherwise only lock after my set time limit (eg 1 hr).

I'm lost here.Do you want it to lock immediately after you made the last input on the screen without you doing anything to lock it? Like pressing the power button?
The OP has a passcode enabled, but with the "Require Passcode" timeout value set to something other than "Immediately". So lets say, "After 1 hour"

He wants a single action (without going in and changing the Setting) which will force the passcode to be required on lock when he chooses without waiting for the specified timeout to kick in..., but he does NOT want to change the timeout.

Pressing "power" does not cut it. Read my response which I believe to be wholly accurate given the scenario. A respring (which can be assigned to a single activator action) will do it. There are no alternatives, jailbroken or otherwise, to do this in a single step which I am aware of.
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f4780y said:
The OP has a passcode enabled, but with the "Require Passcode" timeout value set to something other than "Immediately". So lets say, "After 1 hour"

He wants a single action (without going in and changing the Setting) which will force the passcode to be required on lock when he chooses without waiting for the specified timeout to kick in..., but he does NOT want to change the timeout.

Pressing "power" does not cut it. Read my response which I believe to be wholly accurate given the scenario. A respring (which can be assigned to a single activator action) will do it. There are no alternatives, jailbroken or otherwise, to do this in a single step which I am aware of.

Perfectly put! Thank you lol. That's exactly what I'm aiming for.

As far as software capabilities go, could this not be achieved by encoding something that would (without user interaction) turn off the passcode lock and then immediately turn it back on and set it with the same password? I know doing this manually will reset the timeout on the passcode lock. As will manually changing the timeout to 0 (immediately) and then back again to 1 hour (or any non-zero amount). If Activator/SBSettings are capable of changing rotation, multitasking gesture, mute settings, and other mobile substrate stuff, could the passcode lock timeout be toggled (or rather quickly double toggled) in a similar coding manner? Or is it the passcode related portion that makes this setting off-limits to Activator/SBSettings control?

Or am I just talking about things way above my head? X.X
Seems Windows does one thing right...Start-L. Locks the screen and requires a passcode to open it (if you have one set). It also lets the computer time out and lock. Darn I hated to say that. Apple needs to find a way to imitate Windows. That is what we are talking about right.

How many times have you wanted to leave your iPxxxx on the desk/counter/where-ever and go to the restroom without it but it wasn't locked so you had to take it with you.

Any ideas for those of us that wouldn't know a leaf spring from a respring?

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