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Way to search for a book on I-store?

I don't have an Ipad and I would like to know if you can search for a specific book from Istore without having an Ipad? For example, it's very easy to know if there is a specific book for the Kindle and the Nook by going to their web sites, but i can't find a similar site for Ipad.

Link/s appreciated.
First of all, welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, buying books from Apple can only be done on an Apple mobile device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad). There was a rumor at one time that Apple was working on a desktop app, but so far, it is still just a rumor.
ok thanks

Thanks for the answer which I suspected. The reason I asked is that I wrote an ebook and 'published' it on Smashwords.com and they send it to all the various I stores. I can see it on the desktop ap for the nook and the kindle etc but I don't have a clue how it looks (format wise) on Ibooks, or if it's even there, for sure.
Thanks again Brad. Indie e-publishing is in its infancy right now and it doesn't help that there are so many different formats. I would guess that in a few years, or maybe less, writers will be able to e-publish, and readers will be able to download, across one simple platform.
Hello everyone..
I want to ask where is ibook store in my ipad?
So sory before because iam really newbie in ipad.
ryanz said:
Hello everyone..
I want to ask where is ibook store in my ipad?
So sory before because iam really newbie in ipad.

You need to download "iBooks" from the app store and then launch it.

Then click on "store" in the far left hand corner
I don't have an Ipad and I would like to know if you can search for a specific book from Istore without having an Ipad? ...
Link/s appreciated.

Here's a link to an easy online search tool for ibooks on Apple anywhere in the world:
[h=2]Find a Book on Apple iBookstore[/h] Enter an ISBN, then click "Create links". A link will be created for each of the listed countries.

Oh crap. I need to post another post before I can include link. So this will be it. Link will be in next post.
Find a Book on Apple iBookstore

Enter an ISBN, then click "Create links". A link will be created for each of the listed countries.

Click here and enter an ISBN, then click "Create Links".

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