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We Rule Friends Needed

Add me jameswatts1990


Have this on iPad and iPhone, regular player and push notifications mean I will start on your order straight away! Plenty of open shops atm... so add me to help benefit us both!
There's something wrong with my we rule. I still get the notifications but I can't connect. Connecting doesn't seem to end. I have to attend to orders .....
Something weird is going on with mine too. I'm having a hard time connecting. When I finally get in, I get the ordered delivered notice and when I click on it, instead of the "horray" and getting paid, I'm getting an "aww, you can't have " whatever.

Their website is down too.
The you can't have is a separate issue. You get that message when you place an order and the person you placed it with didn't accept the order within a certain amount of time or declined the order.
Need more business partners

Lots of open businesses, but not a lot of traffic!
Fill orders very quickly.
Level 19.

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