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We Rule Friends Needed

Add me too! :)

Ok, adde you guys, please add me: Lafoo and Faloo !
Don't forget to check the south and west realms!
Thanks much!!
Need friends desperately

Hi everyone,

Just started playing this game only level 16 but building well.

Please add me and I will do the same.

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Add me please: Gypsichic

Side note: I've seen posts from folks stating that they won't buy from users that have dead crops - which I understand to a certain extent.

HOWEVER, as an active player there have been many times that I couldn't access the game or it kept kicking me off revealing the lovely message of: OOPS! Connection has been lost, try again later.

When I finally could connect, my crops were dead :p - that being said, just because crops are dead doesn't mean someone is completely inactive.

I wonder why the people with high levels have soooooooooo many ruby groves? I can only guess it gives lots of exp and $$...but to have a whole realm covered in them? Whats the point of even playing....
They are 100c/85xp every 6 hours that doesn't require a buyer. So with 150 of them you could yield 60,000c/51,000xp a day.

Much better than 20 farms & magic cauliflower: in 26hrs only yields 52,000c/14,000xp

I do agree with an entire realm of them, but I am slowly filling in bare areas with them. Taking time as they are 10,000c or 10mojo a pop.

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