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We Rule Friends Needed

Add Photons.

Low level, but consistent playing. What's the max number of friends?

There doesn't seem to be a max number of friends (currently have 18 pages) but there ARE max numbers of orders you can make and receive, which is 35 incoming and outgoing combined.

Which leads me to my other reason for posting. I am a very active We Rule (and all others) player. I read lots of posts about people removing friends for not reciprocating orders. Let me tell you how difficult it is to reciprocate orders when the moment you ship out completed orders, others take their place. I do my best to order from everyone that orders from me but it is sometimes an impossibility. However, I always deliver orders.

thanks to all the consistent players that play along with me,


We Rule lv 44
We Farm lv 35
We City lv 41
Adventure Bay lv 29
Please visit

Level 44
Built using only free mojo
Visit west realm for best stuff
Obsessively building the kingdom

I'm BACK - Happy New Year !!!!

- Level 35
Feel free to add me anytime - i never decline orders :)

and a have a really nice layout :p
Can anyone help? How do you move items from realm to realm with the new download. I tried dragging and it didn't work.
Can anyone help? How do you move items from realm to realm with the new download. I tried dragging and it didn't work.

it's kinda weird.
1) under redesign, click the item(s) you want to move.
2) in the popup window that appears choose the new blue icon with arrow
(this returns your chosen item to your inventory)
3) click the circled green arrow on bottom of screen to "save your changes"
4) go to realm you want to move item to
this is where it gets weird...
5) click build, navigate to the relevant category for your chosen item. you will see now that there is a numbered red circle in the icon for your chosen item. once you click it, it gets moved to your current realm and you can move it wherever you want.

I hate that my friends list is still borked with this new update :) readd me all!!! lol...
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moving items between realms

Can anyone help? How do you move items from realm to realm with the new download. I tried dragging and it didn't work.

You need to move them back to you inventory first, then you can place them in the new realm. Feel free to add me: eatmegood

edit: lagtastic beat me...and with a much more thorough answer lol
Thanks lagtastic! I needed the more complete explanation. I appreciate your time. I will add you. Some people are so smart. I never would have figured that out.
Thanks eatmegood.

Any ideas on quests? Did all the quests go or just mine?
Weird things happening, I saw an open sign on someone's small orange house.

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