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Weak wi-fi signal


iPF Noob
When I first received my iPad I exchanged it because of poor wifi reception at home and at different sites. The new one connects much better, BUT it has extremely poor reception picking up a signal other than the one that is VERY close. For example my netbook picks up several signals when looking for a connection, but the iPad only finds one (fortunately the one that is very close)
I have noticed this at home because I have not yet started to travel with my iPad. At home my laptop and net book always finds several nearby networks but the iPad will only find my home network If I disconnect my home network my iPad will not find anything, but the net book and laptop find everything close by

Is anyone having the same experience? I plan to start traveling soon with the iPad and want to be sure that it has the capability to receive signals beyond the immediate very strong one. As those of you who know, who travel a lot and want a free signal you need a device capable of pulling in close by signals

My iPod based on what it is doing in my neighborhood will not work for me when traveling. I have also read on several iPad web sites that there are problems of weak wifi reception.

Is anyone having the same problems?
If so it is obviously a hardware problem that will not be corrected through software updates, so I want to return it while I still can and eventually get one that has the ability to receive close by signals

Other than this most important issue to me. I LOVE IT
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I have the same problem and I suspect most others have noticed it as well. I was over at a friend's house last night and couldn't pick up his router that was 30 feet away. What the heck? If I got in the right spot I could get it, but it would be intermittent. At my apartment, if I go on the balcony (also about 30 feet away), the signal drops to "one bar." The speed will go from 12mbps to 1.5mbps.

But.. at my house, I can go outside and still get full signal. However, it will disconnect randomly, like when I put it on a desk. Or sometimes when I'm just randomly using it or when it comes back from sleep. I think this issue is what is going to be fixed in the latest update. I can't imagine it making the signal better, though.
Afraid it's going to have to go back...

I really did NOT want to reach this conclusion, but after my experience and reading about so many similar difficulties, I think I have to conclude that the purchase of a first gen iPad was not a prudent decision on my part. I received my 3G 16GB Apr 30 after much anticipation. When I got it I was house sitting for a friend who is on FIOS. The iPad ran great for those 4 days. When I got home it would not connect to my wireless router (an old Netgear, non-N). I thought it was my router. So I took the iPad to work. I could get it to connect intermittently but it constantly drops the signal and then refuses to reconnect without me manually telling it to. It declines to play any video on YouTube without much stammering and stopping. It loses connection after it goes to sleep. It doesn't remember what network it was linked to and it doesn't see networks other devices can at the same distance. I walk around work (large building) to see if I can find a stronger signal. Picks up 4 bars for a few minutes, then drops to 1 or 2. I took it to another friend's house who has a brand new router (not Netgear). Drops connection even though I am a few feet away; won't play videos, etc. I bought the 3G so I could take it on overseas travel. Across an ocean? - it won't even consistently work across a 8x8 room! When WiFi does connect, Safari tells me it can't open web pages. I took it to the Genius Bar. Of course, it worked pretty well there but even then it would not play video properly. Tech hooked it up to diagnostic equipment and pronouned it healthy. Told me to do system restore. He said he did a quick search for connection issues but could not find any ??? I told him I saw a lot of people posting about the same problems I had and he told me that was why he didn't read the forums. After the system restore did nothing to resolve my issues I called 3 local Apple stores until a 4th store finally answered their phone. Briefly described connectivity/video/Safari issues. Was told I have to see a Genius - again. Against my better judgment I bought a first gen iPad cuz I'd heard so many great things about Apple customer service and how they do right by their products. Not even being aware there are major issues affecting more than just a few customers, not willing to exchange my malfunctioning iPad and not offering any fixes does not impress me as dealing with the nitty gritty. If my iPad refuses to function regardless of networks and routers (including hot spots) and I consistently run into connectivity issues, what good is it? I haven't paid the extra $ to hook-up to 3G while these problems remain outstanding. $800 is way too much to pay for works-if-it-feels-like-it-and-then-only-sometimes technology. I'm bummed. Love the theory and design. Bitterly disappointed in the performance. Guess this goes back and maybe I'll try again when they have a 2nd or 3rd generation that, well - generates!
I have had no issues anywhere I have used my iPad with wifi.

Most of the issues people are having is with dual band routers and putting the ipads to sleep without turning off wifi.

It's a software bug apple will fix.
I have had no issues anywhere I have used my iPad with wifi.

Most of the issues people are having is with dual band routers and putting the ipads to sleep without turning off wifi.

It's a software bug apple will fix.
I wish it was that way but if you were following all of us with wifi reception issues you see the. iPod has big problems.
I believe there are two issues with the WiFi.

One, the signal strength is very low. This causes our speed to suffer when not in the same room as the router and not being able to connect to networks that are "too far away."

Two, the disconnecting/reconnecting due to the router broadcasting more than one band. This must be it, because I have an apartment and a house, and the apartment never disconnects and the house often does. Unfortunately, even if i fixed it at my house, I cannot ask to mess with everyones router that I am connected to. I've already had trouble with public hotspots.

I think number two is a software/firmware glitch and is the only thing that will be fixed, unless they can increase power or something to make the signal better for number one.

Today is my last day to return it. I shall ponder this
i have this prob too...my wifi signals in the home is erratic...sometimes good and not...its usually fine when i'm sitting next to the router...but away from it...its not...that is not the point...hope the firmware comes quickly...getting anoying.

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